What Makes This “Trolling” 😈?

Political Risk
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2021

As a world class expert and researcher into the craft of 😈 and folklore, I’m often asked to give examples of behaviour we don’t see as trolling 😈, but which is.

The archness of this 😉 😉 dual-faced denial of the putsch he incited yesterday is classic 😈 behaviour.

To one audience – this reads like a surface repudiation of the insurrection yesterday.

To the other audience – those who supported the putsch, they’ll think: “He’s so smart. THEY’RE making him say that.”

Trump needs to be impeached.

Otherwise, those who engaged in the insurrection’s defense will be watertight – they were doing the president’s bidding.

Those who still support Trump’s 😈s inside Congress need to be counted.

Mr Trump is by far the most successful troll who’s ever lived.

Trolling works on every level from the personal to the geopolitical.

If you recognise trolling by a tabloid or in an Internet chatroom, it’s harder to recognise the same practice in a different venue.

But trolling it is.

And not impeaching him would be a huge mistake: it would leave the door open to those who are already making a joke of yesterday.

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Political Risk

Debunking Strategies /\ Oxford (MBA) - Cambridge (Law) 😷