The House of Representatives can be the Beacon of Light

How to Fix America’s Broken Political System

Wipe gerrymandering off the map; it’s easy and will alleviate gridlock at the same time

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Political Sense
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2020


Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash

In The American Political System is Broken, published in The Atlantic on November 5th, David Frum laments:

It should not take the largest voter turnout in U.S. history to guarantee that a president rejected by the majority of the American people actually stops being president.

Even given that turnout, assuming Trump steps down, the electoral system will produce a gridlocked government — not because “the voters” or “the American people” wanted it that way, but because strategically positioned voters in small states did. The unrepresentativeness of state governments is even more extreme because of gerrymandering.[Emphasis added]

He goes on to say:

The U.S. system depends on compromise and cooperation. The administration cannot administer without the budgets and laws passed by Congress; Congress cannot legislate without dealmaking between the parties and (except in the most extreme cases) a signature from the president. Yet the spirit necessary to make the U.S. system work is draining away.



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Political Sense

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.