“I wish Biden no success,” Newsmax host Greg Kelly, January 20, 2021

Ten ways Joe Biden has already failed

We were warned

Jeffrey Denny
Political Sense
Published in
4 min readJan 27, 2021


Jeffrey Denny

Even before his first week in office ended, “President” Joe Biden already proved to be our worst president in history:

1.Unlike his predecessor, the greatest president ever, Biden hasn’t insulted anyone or attacked people who question his brilliance. He’s utterly failed to declare and then double down on hilariously obvious lies virtually every day.

Worse, Biden is behaving like a real president who honors his office, the Constitution, and the privilege to serve our country. He’s clearly authentic, honest and decent, someone our kids can look up to. LOL! He can’t hold a candle to his great predecessor who thought being “presidential” was BS and beneath him.

Also failing to be like his great predecessor, there’s no way Biden could ever incite armed and angry mobs to storm and ravage the U.S. Capitol, attack and kill Blue Lives, and try to hunt down his own vice president as well as opposing party leaders. And then sit in the White House watching his seditious insurrection on TV, like Dr. Evil chuckling madly from his secret lair as his villainous scheme unfolds.

Biden has no clue how to be a proper villain!

2. Biden has failed to select the “best people” for his administration who are unburdened by experience, expertise or a sense of shame to run our government.

In fact, Biden has been appointing nonpartisan, experienced, expert leaders who don’t hate government and want to fix it, not wreck it. The kind of talented public servants who turned down offers by his predecessor to avoid the taint. Biden is a bad leader!

3. So far, Biden has yet to ignore, insult or suddenly fire his “best people” by tweet, publicly surprising and shaming them for doing their jobs and upholding their pledge to the Constitution not him. Biden is a bad manager!

4. Biden listens to his “best people” and reads their carefully crafted briefing books to make informed decisions, instead of going with uninformed gut sense, Hannity and other suck-up Fox News spinners, and the wisdom of a pillow magnate. What a complete loser nerd!

5. Biden claimed he wanted to unite us. That’s divisive right out of the gate!

If he’s such a uniter, then why is Biden a Democrat? Why did he run against Trump in the first place, and then steal the election? Why did Biden ignore the will of 75 million Americans who wanted more Trump?

6. Real White patriotic Americans aren’t the only ones who are already angry with Biden.

The Antifa BLM insurrection city-burning rioters, their fellow traveler libs, and their mainstream media handmaidens are also steamed because his cabinet picks are not progressive enough. They’re frustrated that Biden didn’t appoint:

· Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as Secretary of Homeland Multiculturalism, LGBTQ+, and Reparations

· Elizabeth Warren as Secretary of Dismantling Corporations and Destroying Capitalism, America’s Economy, and Jobs

· Bernie Sanders as Secretary of Socialism, Robbing the Rich to Pay the Poor, and Sensible Winter Wear

· Nancy Pelosi as Secretary of Deep State Pedophilia

· Rachel Maddow to head the White House Office of the Press Secretary and Ministry of Liberal Propaganda, Political Correctness, Wokeness and Cancel Culture.

7. Biden claimed he wanted immigration reform.

Ok then why do we still have borders? Why do we still have ICE? Will I still be able to get a cheap handyman or lawn service?

Why do I still need a passport to vacation in Cabo San Lucas when God knows I need to get away on account of the Covid?

Also, where is Biden’s plan to stop the caravan of Canadians heading from Saskatchewan to North Dakota to take our farm equipment maintenance jobs?

We need to send those frickin’ Canucks back to Lloydminster, Moosejaw and Flin Flon so they come here the right way like I’m pretty sure my grandparents did.

8. Biden never paid to hush a porn star or bragged about grabbing women in their privates.

People say Biden inappropriately leaned into women. But that’s not real man behavior from a strong man America needs to make us greater! Real men don’t rub shoulders or sniff hair, they grab what is theirs!

Real men, unlike Biden, are also willing to talk about their enormous hands when they are shortchanged in the manhood department.

Biden has also failed to ensure America he has a very very very large brain like his predecessor did. It’s clear Biden lacks the mental strength to send demented tweets at 3 a.m., which brilliant thought-leaders like Tucker Carlson and Newt Gingrich, who are skilled at confusing fools with twisted logic, would say proves Biden is demented.

9. Biden, according to my internet research, belongs to an ancient religious cult led by an emperor who lives in a private walled city in Italy and practices disturbing rituals like pretending wine is blood of their savior. And then drinking it!

Biden’s cult is called “Catholicism.” What the bloody hell?! America is a Christian nation. Catholics say they’re Christians, but they’re not really, according to real Christians such as Jerry “Pool Boy” Falwell, Jr., who love Trump and wash his feet with their vale of tears for political reasons.

Biden definitely is not as Christian as his predecessor who gassed social justice protestors to hold up a Bible he never opened.

10. Biden has swallowed the Covid hoax hook, line and sinker. He’s trusting science, which many smart people on the internet are saying is stupid.

Like a typical liberal boo-hoo snowflake, Biden cares that over 400,000 Americans have died from the Covid, many needlessly.

And get this: Biden wears a Covid mask! What kind of divisive message does that send to patriotic Americans who refuse fascist government masking diktats because they love liberty more than anyone?

Ireally wanted Biden to succeed.

I hoped he could end Covid pandemic, bring us together, and set America on a better path.

C’mon, man! I’m still waiting.

Jeffrey Denny is a Washington writer.



Jeffrey Denny
Political Sense

A Pullet Surprise-winning writer who always appreciates free chicken.