Thanksgiving 2020


Finding thankfulness when our world has been turned upside down by a global pandemic.

Dialogue & Discourse
4 min readNov 26, 2020


Don’t think I need to say this

’Cause you know what’s in my head

“F — -ed up” is an understatement

Can’t wait for this year to end

- Mike Shinoda

If everything had gone as planned this year, my wife and I would be making our final preparations for a trip that was going to knock a couple of items off of my bucket list. Last year we had purchased tickets to see the band Nightwish in London on December 18. Not only would this have allowed me to see my favorite new band put on their full arena show, but it also gave me an excuse to make my first trip outside of North America. We also planned to visit Disneyland Paris as part of the trip.

This was the year that nothing went as planned and a canceled trip to Europe is the least of the problems that have been faced this year. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned everything on its head from the way our children receive their education to the way consumers interact with the marketplace. Millions are unemployed and extended aid is set to expire at the end of the year. Over 265,986 people have already died as the virus begins a new surge.



Carl J. Petersen
Dialogue & Discourse

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children.