Moving Forward

To The Victor Go The Spoils

The Democrats have won the popular vote in seven of the last eight elections. Why should it be up to the left to compromise?

Carl J. Petersen
Political Sense
Published in
7 min readNov 13, 2020


A crowd celebrates Biden’s win in Los Angeles

I just think it’s an embarrassment, quite frankly

- President-Elect Biden on Trump’s refusal to admit defeat

Joe Biden won the popular vote with a margin of over five million votes. With this victory, the Democrats have earned more votes in seven of the past eight presidential elections. The Shrub’s reelection in 2004 was the lone exception.

With a winning percentage of 87.5%, it is clear that the Democrat’s ideals are preferred by a majority of the electorate. Yet, the government under Trump moved to the far-right and now borders on authoritarianism. The 45th president ruled without accepting input from the Democratic majority in the House. When the legislative branch would not give in to his demands Trump flagrantly broke the law by illegally diverting “$2.5 billion from military construction projects to build sections of the U.S. border wall with Mexico” and extending unemployment benefits without authorization. The person who ran on the promise of understanding the “art of the deal” could…



Carl J. Petersen
Political Sense

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children.