how i became interested in all this (Narrative)

Hannah Lewis
political teen
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2018

Essentially, it was just the 2016 election. And cut, end scene, story over.


I mean, it was more than that. It was the moment my brain changed into the person I am today. I can’t really describe it, which I guess is why I’m in English class, but it was like my brain changed sometime in sixth or seventh grade, and I’ve had that brain ever since. By brain I mean my way of thinking, my values, and my personality. These all have changed since I got “my new brain”, as I have grown and developed into a better person, but they are all relatively the same.

The most significant evidence of this switch occurring is that all my memories before the “switch” are in a distant dream, as if I didn’t experience them in this body. And this is not just because the memories are older so they’re obviously fuzzier. It’s more that something clicked in my head for the first time, so certain gears could finally turn, and I was able to see the world in my true eyes. All I can hope for is that it happens again and I can see even clearer. I want 20/100 vision. The strangest part to me is that I wasn’t aware of the switch when it happened, but when I think of my memories, I can easily determine if a memory was before the switch or not.

Okay, back to policy. This “switch” is important because it made me more aware of world, and being more aware of world made me scared, anxious, and aware of the election. The polarizing nature of that election certainly made so many other people more involved, and I am only one of them. However, my interest slowly grew and evolved. During the election, my interest in policy was one of many, but now I’m certain political science will play a major part in my career.

Thanks to Trump lol.

