the importance of representation in politics

Hannah Lewis
political teen
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2018

I’m white, so of course I’ve always had lots of representation in Congress. However I am also a woman, a bi woman, (Wooo!!! Coming out!!!) which does not always equal representation.

I can’t tell you how many times I couldn’t fully love a book because I didn’t see myself in it. (This has happened mostly in English class.) This is in literal fiction, not even the real world. So imagine how I feel when I see almost no one like me in my main interest, politics. Not only do I become disinterested, but I feel discouraged as well. If no one else like me can do what I want to do, then how can I achieve my dreams? I am too scared to set the precedent, but if no one else shows the way, then there will be nothing for me to do. Representation of queer woman gives young queer woman role models, a person to look to, to admire, to show that you can do whatever you want. This means actual representation too, not some sick daydream.

In politics, representation matters more. Not only for me and other girls like me, as establishing role models, but so we have people like us making the policies that effect us. You cannot tell me that Orrin Hatch knows what it is like to be me, but Kyrsten Sinema, a senator-elect who happens to be a bi woman can get close. As a young person, I clearly cannot vote. Even if I work 24/7 on a campaign, my voice technically doesn’t matter. The closest I get is my parents keeping me in mind when they make their votes. So I urge anyone to keep the little guys in mind when casting their vote, so we might have a voice.

US House — Wikimedia

Finally, I thank you, Kyrsten Sinema, for showing me that being a bi woman in the senate can exist — even if there needs to be approx. 1.75 more of you to have the same percentage of bi women in the population, in just ages 18–44. I hope I can follow you one day — but only as a staffer — , and in the very least keep you in mind to know that my sexuality does not have to limit me.

