The GOP C@ck Block

If they aint getting any nobody will.

Political Times Daily
Political Times Daily


You've been there. Its a crowded room and you’re chatting up a beautiful woman with a chance to close the deal, and you need to close the deal because its been a long time since you closed THE deal. You head to the door sidestepping the initiation of casual conversations only to get trapped steps from the exit by a drunk and obnoxious buffoon. He claims to be your buddy even though you are just acquaintances and after completely offending your date and questioning your manhood for leaving the party, he barfs all over you both cooling any embers well beyond the possibility of rekindling them.

This might be a fairly crude analogy but sadly its not too far off from the realities in the US House(party) of Representatives and Speaker John Boner (I know how I spelled it, its a “getting lucky” analogy after all)

Senate Democrats continue to walk pretty legislation to the threshold of adoption only to have John Boehner metaphorically barf all over it with an obnoxious tirade of unfounded criticism. He blocked the unemployment benefit extension. He blocked immigration reform. He prevented meaningful fixes to Obamacare. He effectively killed extended background check legislation in the Senate by not promising it a vote when it came to the house. He even played politics with the aid package to Ukraine refusing to add broadly bipartisan changes to the IMF lending capacity unless Democrats killed new IRS rules which would limit the political activity of 501(c)(4).

The GOP knows that any legislation passed this year will be seen as a positive for the Obama administration. It would be quickly messaged as a demonstration of how effective Democrats can govern if the GOP would just get out of their way. Bohner will not let that happen. If he cannot advance his own agenda he will at the very least ensure that nothing gets done. He can not risk giving the Democrats any political advantage ahead of the midterms and certainly must avoid raising the ire of the Tea Party which would threaten his standing in the caucus.

This has become a pattern of one man abusing his power to block bipartisan and widely popular legislation for purely personal gain. Our founders envisioned a government by and for the people not one inspite of them. Boners a dick. (sorry I couldn’t help it)

