How Sec Pete Buttigieg is Fixing Transportation.

Kat Loveland
Political Writings
Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2022

From Planes, Trains to Automobiles — He’s On It.

We forget how important transportation is, until it falls apart. — Photo by Fahrul Azmi on Unsplash

Perhaps one of the most sneaky and smart things Biden did when he was elected was appointing Mayor Pete Buttigieg to Sec of Transportation. Buttigieg is a genius, he’s an up and coming younger politician and he somehow has become the Fox News Whisperer. He keeps slapping them down, politely, cleverly and with this snarky patience but they keep inviting him back again and again, which provides all of us constant amusement.

Beyond all that though, Sec Buttigieg is detailed and loves doing deep dives into the weeds on how things actually work, and what needs to be done on all levels of a complex and massive problem, such as our ailing and far out of date transportation systems to make things better.

Most of us don’t really consider how transportation affects us much beyond the potholes in our roads, road construction and maybe when a bridge fails. Or at least we didn’t, until our supply chains got snarled into a Gordian Knot thanks to COVID, among other things. Transportation affects all of us, daily, far beyond whether or not we can get to work and drive on a road that’s smooth and Sec Buttigieg, along with Pres Biden, are bound and determined to address the very real and pressing needs this country has when it comes to our lack of reliable, modern and environmentally sound transportation grid.

I’ve been following Sec Buttigieg on Twitter and I have learned so much and am thrilled to see all the initiatives he has put forward to bring about useful, practical and long term change to our transportation system, let’s start chatting about them, shall we?

He’s taken on things like providing funds for small shipyards to get needed tools, cranes and upgrades which will help keep the shipyard functioning and able to provide jobs for it’s local community.

Providing $15 million in funds to build and widen roads in Maine so farmers can move goods more efficiently, some of the funds were provided by a request of the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians to create better roads on their reservation.

There was an update from the DOT that showcases programs not just to reconnect mostly minority communities that were split apart due to infrastructure choices, but $1 Billion to upgrade and modernize over 85 airport terminals across the country, also a program to guarantee accessibility and rights for travelers with disabilities.

A program that is being funded to promote helping veterans get commercial truck driver’s licenses to start working towards easing the lack of drivers, along with programs to help promote passenger rail in different parts of the country.

Not to mention the new requirements that airlines HAVE TO GIVE REFUNDS or non expiring vouchers on tickets if there are significant delays in their flight or if they have to cancel because they are sick.

From Georgia to South Dakota to New Jersey Sec Buttigieg is making sure every last bit of the Infrastructure Bill Funds that Biden and the Dems got are going to where they are needed most.

They’re also pushing an initiative to build out a network of 500k electric car charges across the country. They’ve pushed for ideas from every state in the US and are compiling them as speak to figure out the best way to move forward with making our country much more EV car friendly.

And not to leave out climate change, Sec Buttigieg is working with and funding ideas and projects on how to make infrastructure more resilient in the face of extreme, well not so extreme now as we’re getting it ever year, weather.

All this is just from his most recent updates. He’s been busy, not just with raising his children that he and his husband Chasten adopted, but with taking on the Herculean task of getting and keeping people and goods moving.

Keep your eyes on him, I would imagine he would make an excellent President if he chooses to run again.

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Kat Loveland
Political Writings

The only consistency in this author’s wheelhouse is mindfuckery. Writer, editor, blogger. Books here