Let’s Cut Through All The BS on Immigration and The Border. Shall we?

Kat Loveland
Political Writings
Published in
9 min readSep 6, 2022

Plain facts show that it doesn’t matter who is President, the numbers vary year to year anyway.

I am really, really, sick of the whole crap the GOP pull about the GOP being “tougher on immigration” than the Dems. That’s a load of crap and when you look at the numbers from Border Patrol it stays about the same overall no matter who is in charge.

Here’s the chart you’ll need to zoom in to see it well.

Starting with 1970 the number of immigrant encounters on the Southern Borders have fluctuated from 200k to a high of 1.7 million and back down to 300k multiple times over the years. It seems to have little to do with who is charge of the US and more to do with what is going on in South America that would drive migrants North.

Both parties see this as a hot button issue, mainly because people seem to think that we’re being “flooded with migrant caravans that will destroy the economy and the country.” Hmm, okay, let’s talk about those “migrant caravans” shall we?

In 2018 when we had the last big migrant caravan scare Trump basically said No Entry and forced Mexico to deal with it. And yes there were thousands of people walking hundreds of miles to try to escape horrific lives.

Now, the latest ones, Mexico is granting temp citizenship and working with the US and other countries to make immigration work smoother.

There is another caravan starting up, apparently, so I am sure the GOP will be all over it to try to scare their voters to the polls..again.

But here’s the thing, unless the governments of the countries along the way, or the US start slaughtering people as they walk north, this will be a continuing issue because the countries they are coming from are suffering from corrupt governments, climate change issues, poverty etc.

Yet every political season the GOP act like OMG THIS IS THE WORST YEAR EVER! And the Dems are always on the defensive because they’re trying to figure out a way to help the root causes so more migrants have better options in South America versus coming here.

However, let’s look at the reality of what immigrants that do get into the States do to the economy and apply it to what is happening in multiple first world countries around the world.

Birth rates are declining in the US, just like most of Europe,

The U.S. birth rate has fallen by 20% since 2007. This decline cannot be explained by demographic, economic, or policy changes.

Whereas, there are well over 10 million undocumented immigrants living in the States, many who have been here over a decade

Today, 10.2 million undocumented immigrants are living and working in communities across the United States.1 On average, they have lived in this country for 16 years and are parents, grandparents, and siblings to another 10.2 million family members.

It can take close to twenty years to become a citizen here, which is insane, but these millions of people go to work every day, don’t harm the country, pay sales taxes and often income taxes under a false SSN, their children are born here, those children grow up and become contributing and hard working members of our society. They too contribute to the economy.

Now say we made all of these undocumented immigrants legal, gave them all SSNs and made sure they paid taxes. That would totally crash the economy right!??!!

Wrong. Here’s one group that broke down various scenarios to giving citizenship and how it would help the economy overall.

Scenario 1: Providing a pathway to citizenship for all undocumented immigrants in the United States would boost U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) by a cumulative total of $1.7 trillion over 10 years and create 438,800 new jobs.6

Five years after implementation, those eligible would earn annual wages that are $4,300 higher.

Ten years after implementation, those annual wages would be $14,000 higher, and all other American workers would see their annual wages increase by $700.7

Scenario 2: Providing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who are essential workers would boost the GDP by a cumulative total of $989 billion over 10 years and create 203,200 new jobs.

Five years after implementation, those eligible would experience annual wages that are $4,300 higher.

Ten years after implementation, those annual wages would be $11,800 higher, and all other American workers would see their annual wages increase by $300.

Scenario 3: Enacting the American Dream and Promise Act (H.R. 6) would increase U.S. GDP by a cumulative total of $799 billion over 10 years and create 285,400 new jobs.

Five years after implementation, those eligible would experience annual wages that are $4,300 higher.

Ten years after implementation, those annual wages would be $16,800 higher, and all other American workers would see their annual wages increase by $400.

Scenario 4: Providing a pathway to citizenship for H.R. 6-eligible and undocumented essential workers would boost the GDP by a cumulative total of $1.5 trillion over 10 years and create 400,800 new jobs.8

Five years after implementation, those eligible would experience annual wages that are $4,300 higher.

Ten years after implementation, those annual wages would be $13,500 higher, and all other American workers would see their annual wages increase by $600.

Now..even the GAO has said that no one, and they mean no one, has put out a study that is based on truly accurate data regarding the actual amount that illegal immigrants cost or add to the economy.

Our review of the national net cost studies highlighted two key issues: the
limited data on the illegal alien population and the considerable variation
in both the items that the studies included and their treatment of some of
the same items. These issues led us to conclude that considerable
uncertainty remains about the national fiscal impact of illegal aliens.
Obtaining better data on the illegal alien population and providing clearer
explanations of which costs and revenues are appropriate to include
would help improve the usefulness of the national estimates.

You can read the full report at the bolded link, while they do say that all the reports say that illegal immigration does cost the economy the numbers, methods and data from all the reports they looked at are so varied and hard to track that they can’t reliable state what that amount is, they also can’t state how much money immigrants add to the economy either for the same reasons.

But let’s attack one main thing the GOP bitches about, that immigrants steal jobs. You can google “Farmers can’t find help without migrant workers” and you will see story after story after story where farmers raised wages, offered benefits and did everything they could to get white people to work on farms, they got no one. How many white people are going to sign up to clean ghetto hotels, or even nice ones? Not that many. Yes. You can blame the companies for paying them cheap wages, which you should, but then you can’t do that while bitching about how we can’t raise minimum wage.

The entire hospitality industry runs on immigrant labor, this is a well known fact, and the same people that bitch that immigrants are bad and hospitality shouldn’t pay cheap wages will turn right the fuck around and complain when their food and hotel rates go up. Well people, you want cheap then what you really want is cheap labor cleaning up your rooms and making your food.

As of yet, even with millions of undocumented immigrants, our economy has not crashed and burned as a result of them. And, if the birthrate keeps dropping, which it looks like it will, the only way we will have enough people to power this country is to allow immigrants in.

Same things are happening in Europe.

Rural development experts say new immigrants can revive neglected rural areas by keeping afloat schools, businesses and basic services, such as transport, and injecting new life through entrepreneurial ventures.

“The impact of foreign (residents) in these depopulating areas is decisive,” said Maria Coto Sauras, a rural development expert at Red2Red, a Madrid-based public policy consultancy.

It breaks the “vicious circle of population loss and, with it, (loss) of economic activity, services and such like, that lessen the appeal of these areas,” she added.

Here is another article about it.

Without immigration, the EU and UK could find their economies crippled by worker shortages within the next thirty years. A shift in attitudes to immigrants, as politically and socially difficult as it might be, will be necessary to head off economic disaster.

Demographic decline, the effect of populations getting older and having fewer kids, will see the economies of Europe and the UK down around 44 million workers by 2050, according to a report from the Center for Global Development (CGDev) based in Washington, D.C.

“Europeans are living longer and having fewer kids. That’s shrinking the working-age population just as the number of retirees is climbing,” says Charles Kenny, senior fellow at the Center for Global Development. “That’s likely to put a profound strain on welfare systems and the social safety net, as well as slow economic growth and prosperity for everyone.”

Now, do you think maybe, just maybe the whole force white women to have kids by outlawing abortion is being driven by racists who hate immigrants moving into their neighborhoods?

Yeah, probably

The idea that nonwhite immigrants could eventually displace native-born white Europeans has roots in 20th century French ethnic nationalism. But the term itself was coined and popularized by French white nationalist author Renaud Camus (no relation to Albert Camus).

The replacement idea is no longer confined to the outer edges of the far right. Increasingly, prominent conservative television hosts and politicians have faced accusations of using it as a trope to condemn “mass immigration.”

One prominent personality accused of promoting the conspiracy is conservative Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Matt Gertz, a senior fellow at the left-leaning Media Matters, said Carlson started regularly discussing the idea in 2019.

“It was a core white supremacist conspiracy theory that suddenly he was talking about on his Fox News show, and then suddenly, other Fox News hosts were doing the same thing. And then Republican politicians,” Gertz said.

During a segment last year, Carlson said that Biden’s policy of “mass immigration” is designed “to change the racial mix of the country.”

“In political terms, this policy is called the great replacement — the replacement of legacy Americans with more obedient people from far away countries,” Carlson said.

In comments on Monday night, Carlson said the Buffalo shooter was mentally ill and not politically motivated and that “the great replacement theory is coming from the left” where activists and politicians push a demographic shift for political advantage.

How does this tie back to immigration? Every election season we go through this, and every election season no one pays attention to the actual facts. Immigration is not going to trash the country, it never has. Immigrants are going to become a bigger and bigger problem though if the countries they come from fail to become stabilized and if things are not put in place to help the countries south of us absorb immigrants so that we can spread the problem of displaced people over a wider area.

Also, what many GOP don’t pay attention to is that countries like Germany have taken in a much greater percent of refugees and immigrants than we have, if anything, we should take more as we have more landmass and a larger economy.

So next time you see some crap about how the Dems will destroy the country by allowing immigrants in or that the GOP are somehow tougher on immigrants, ignore it and go look at the numbers. It’s an ongoing issue that has no real fast easy solution no matter which party says what.

I really wish they’d just stop campaigning on it all together because neither party is going to make it go away, so just figure out how to help these people in the least traumatic way possible for once. They work their asses off, walk hundreds if not thousands of miles to get here, it’s not like they’re going to trash the place after going through all that.


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Kat Loveland
Political Writings

The only consistency in this author’s wheelhouse is mindfuckery. Writer, editor, blogger. Books here https://www.amazon.com/Kat-Loveland/e/B00IRRAMWO/re