New TX Poll…Abbott Still Ahead by 5 Pts

Kat Loveland
Political Writings
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2022


Quick hit…

I didn’t see a demo breakdown of age and gender on this but there are still plenty of things to get into.

In addition to in-depth assessments of top-of-the-ticket races and the issues driving 2022 vote intentions, the poll explored Texans’ views on a variety of policies. See the sections below for more extensive discussion of the following key findings.

Busing migrants. 52% support the state’s recently implemented policy of busing international migrants awaiting asylum hearings to other parts of the country.

State spending on border security. A plurality of Texans, 34%, and a majority of Republicans, 52%, continue to say that the state spends too little on border security — a view largely unchanged from recent prior polling, despite massive, and continuing, increases in border security spending in the current state budget.

Soo…Texans apparently either don’t want to know where the billions the state government has thrown at the border has gone or they are just not paying attention to how much the state is spending…or they’re fear driven racists. Pick one.

Gun violence. 57% say Texas’s elected officials have done “too little” to prevent mass shootings in Texas.

Gun control laws. 54% of Texans say gun control laws should be made more strict, 23% say they should be left as they are, and 18% say they should be less strict.

Yet they are voting for the guy who hasn’t done shit to change gun laws. Okay…

Robb Elementary School shooting. 76% of Texans say that the delay by police in confronting the shooter contributed “a lot” to the severity of the mass shooting in Uvalde.

Overturning Roe v. Wade. Texans were split in their response to the Supreme Court’s decision leaving abortion policies to the states, with 44% approving and 44% disapproving.

Where the hell are the women here????? STILL SPLIT DOWN THE MIDDLE????

Texas abortion laws. A plurality of Texans, 49%, say abortion laws in Texas should be made “less strict” — only 12% say abortion should never be permitted.

Same-sex marriage. A slight majority of Texans, 53%, say that same-sex marriage should be legal in Texas, while 32% disagree — unchanged from polling conducted by the Texas Politics Project in 2017.

K-12 education quality. Only 6% of Texas voters rate the public education system in Texas as “excellent,” compared to 38% who say it is good, 32% not very good, and 11% who say it is terrible.

Texans’ economic situation. 42% report that their families are economically worse off than a year ago, while 17% say they are better off.

But keep voting for the guy that’s currently in office…that will fix your issues….

Gov. Abbott job approval. 46% approve, 44% disapprove in a slight, though statistically insignificant, improvement over June polling.

Direction of the state. 52% of voters say that Texas is on the wrong track, down from a record-high 59% in June, but only the 4th time in the decade-plus time series that a majority have said so, and the third time in a row beginning in April 2022.

Soooo you don’t like the direction the state is going but you’re going to stay the course with Abbott? Totally makes sense.

Trump/Biden 2024. Overall, Texans are not enthusiastic about either Joe Biden or Donald Trump running for president again in 2024: 59% said Biden should not run for re-election, and 57% said Trump should not run again.

And yet again…Rural, Independents and Whites are voting GOP. Shocker.

You can delve more into the numbers at the linked poll…but just…UGGGGH!!

No common sense people! None!



Kat Loveland
Political Writings

The only consistency in this author’s wheelhouse is mindfuckery. Writer, editor, blogger. Books here