Quick Hit: White House Switchboard Called to a J6 Protestor.

Kat Loveland
Political Writings
Published in
1 min readSep 24, 2022

During the Riots.

That line only ends in one place. The White House.From CBS Twitter

The White House switchboard connected a call to a rioter while the Capitol was under siege on January 6, 2021, according to former January 6 committee staffer Denver Riggleman.

“I only know one end of that call,” Riggleman said.

So someone in the WH placed a call to a protestor?

The call was uncovered after Riggleman assembled a small team of data miners and analysts for the committee to comb through 20 million lines of data: emails, social media posts, phone records, and texts, to learn who did what leading up to and on January 6th.

"We were able to do things, I think, in a way that had never been done before with millions of lines of data," Riggleman said. "And to actually create a graph that shows how these groups actually intermingled."

Those groups, according to Riggleman, included, "Trump team, Trump family, rally goers, unaffiliated DOJ-charged defendants, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, and others, which are state legislators, alternate electors, things like that."

This just keeps getting better doesn’t it.

There’s no way somebody in the White House accidentally called a “protester” from the White House line. That just doesn’t happen.

Tells you that someone had “protesters” phone numbers now doesn’t it. I wonder who that could be?



Kat Loveland
Political Writings

The only consistency in this author’s wheelhouse is mindfuckery. Writer, editor, blogger. Books here https://www.amazon.com/Kat-Loveland/e/B00IRRAMWO/re