Senior Citizens Willing to Kiss Social Security Goodbye.

Kat Loveland
Political Writings
Published in
4 min readSep 7, 2022

In the new AARP poll, old white people are still voting GOP. Guess they see their Social Security as an “entitlement” after all.

AARP just posted polls for several states, you can click on all the info here.

Now the good news is most of these races are much closer than they should be given that these are traditionally Deep Red States.

Florida is within the MOE (The firms interviewed 1,626 likely Florida voters, which includes a statewide representative sample of 500
likely voters, with an oversample of 550 likely voters age 50 and older, an additional oversample of 262
Hispanic likely voters age 50 and older, and an additional oversample of 314 Black likely voters age 50 and
older between August 24–31, 2022. The interviews were conducted via landline (30%), cellphone (35%),
and SMS-to-web (35%). The margin of sampling error for the 500 statewide sample is ±4.4%; for the 860
total sample of voters 50+ is ±3.3%; for the 400 total sample)

With Desantis at 50 and Crist at 47%, which means this is statistically a tie.

However…(deep breath)



The GOP have blatantly stated they will trash Social Security and if you’re 50 you’re going to need that later but apparently they hate abortion and gays more than they want their social security so are voting against their own interest. AGAIN!

Rubio V Demings is also a statistical tie with Rubio at 49 and Demings at 47%. In both the Gov and Sen races in Florida Women over 50 who state they are political indies are split right down the middle, as usual. Black women are voting Blue and Hispanic women are split down the middle too. As USUAL the only reliable Dem votes are Black voters.

White Men over 50, if they are not listed as Dem voters are solidly GOP. Hisp men are too and Black Men are still Dems but there is a more solid GOP contingent there. Which is also not good. Seems that the GOP is the party does attract the males of all races…I wonder why. Oh yeah, they pretend to be badass and “alpha” when they’re all cowards in reality.


Moving on to Georgia

There is a 7 point gap between Kemp and Abrams for all voters they polled, when you break out the over 50 crew it is 15 point gap in favor of Kemp. Kemp is also OVERPERFORMING among black voters and he is ahead 14 points with indies. (NOT GOOD)

The Senate is a much tighter race, Warnock is ahead by 3 but when you consider he is running against Herschel Walker who has consistently made an ass out of himself and has no experience at all in politics, that is pretty damn sad.

The only demographics Abrams is winning is Democrats, Blacks overall and Women overall in Georgia.

The charts I linked to go much more into detail as far as breakdowns on how people think the country and the state is faring etc, but the overall opinion is that White Voters are FUCKING FINE with how things are.

Now there is a bright spot…Pennsylvania.

Both Dems are ahead in the overall poll, Shapiro by a narrow margin and Fetterman by a better margin, about 6 points.

BUT, with voters over 50…Fetterman is only ahead by 3 pts and Shapiro is one pt ahead, so basically statistical ties.

Now Women over 50 favor the Dems in both cases, the Men over 50 favor the GOP (SURPRISE SURPRISE) Indies in PA are falling heavily towards GOP (probably because they are pissed off GOP who hate Trump and left the party but still vote GOP because they think Oz and Mastriano aren’t THAT bad.)

Oh and AS USUAL, Blacks are the strong Dem vote. Once again…WHITE PEOPLE ARE FINE WITH HOW THINGS ARE!

FL and GA are states that people were hoping beyond hope that all the abortion crap and the general thuggishness of the GOP candidates would maybe, just maybe shake things up.

Well, unless a whole FUCKTON of first time and younger voters show up at the polls, things will stay exactly the same for those states and not bode well for the rest of the country.

Now yes, I discussed earlier how demographics are shifting but none of that will mean a damn thing if people don’t show up to vote.

So…go vote! Seriously. Just make a plan and do it. There are no excuses, none, I don’t care how much the GOP fucks with polling places, we all know literally months in advance when the elections are so get the day off, make a plan, register to vote early JUST GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND VOTE!

Or the old white GOP asshats will keep running this country into the ground.

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Kat Loveland
Political Writings

The only consistency in this author’s wheelhouse is mindfuckery. Writer, editor, blogger. Books here