Today I Was Told I Was Acting “Superior” Because I Expect People To Research.

Kat Loveland
Political Writings
Published in
5 min readAug 13, 2022

I am so damn done….

Photo by Oscar Keys on Unsplash

So, for those of you who don’t follow Beto O’Rourke on Twitter you may not be seeing his posts highlighting new voters, first time voters and people who have switched from GOP to Dem to vote for him.

Today he posted one of a young man, who has a stutter, who voted for Trump in 2020 and is voting for Gov for the first time and is voting for Beto. Several people commented something like, “He has a stutter and he voted for the man who mocked people with disabilities? Seriously?”

Now, plenty of people pointed out that we shouldn’t be “mean” to the guy who stated he had been bullied etc and it was “harsh mean comments” like this that keep people from voting Dem.

I’m sorry, what???!!! After all the shit GOP people have said over the last ten years, pointing out a guy with a disability maybe should have gotten a clue when, in public, Trump mocked and bullied a disabled reporter? Yeah, how is that offensive?

Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

So I commented that the lack of self awareness and apathy when it comes to researching politicians is a central problem as to why our country is as fucked up as it is. I then pointed out that people have access to the internet, can look up bills, follow politicians online etc and literally have no excuse to not be at least somewhat informed and that maybe if they spent less time on Tik Tok we’d be farther ahead as a country.

To which I was told how dare I suggest people can’t laugh at stupid vids on Tik Tok. No, laugh all you damn want, then go research the people you’re going to vote for and I don’t give a flying fuck what side of the aisle you are on.

And then, as the thread continued, I got told that because I “think I am superior and think everyone should be like me, that I am the type of person that drives voters away.”

I am GODDAMN SORRY that I expect people in this country to do the BARE MINIMUM and actually take time to learn things. I am sick and tired of this concept that liberals have to be all “Oh, I’m sorry, we know you’ve been too brainwashed by Fox News to turn the goddamn channel or go online and read shit outside of 4Chan and Parler so we’ll go ahead and forgive you for ignoring all the factual documentation, the years of science denying, the inflammatory and hateful rhetoric, the violent threats, the assaults on customer service people for requesting you wear a mask, the assaults on flight attendants, the kidnapping threats against sitting governors, the literal spreading of shit in our nation’s capitol building now that you’re deciding to play nice and vote for a Democrat, once.

Yeah, no. Let’s back up to the 2020 election, tons of people who hated Trump flipped and voted for Biden, sure, but they pretty much all voted Red down ballot as the results showed. I am in no way, shape or form, ready to just let past shit go because people in Texas are FINALLY FUCKING REALIZING AFTER MULTIPLE POWER GRID FAILURES AND A HORRIFIC SCHOOL SHOOTING THAT ABBOTT BASICALLY IGNORED THAT MAYBE ABBOTT IS A SHITTY GOVERNOR! Beto has run for office three times and NOW you’re turning out in droves to support him? What’s changed? Oh yeah, you’re dying from lack of reliable power sources and your kids are getting slaughtered while hundreds of cops stood there and did nothing. Weird how that makes you care, isn’t it.

You know why I am not willing to play nice and say “Yaay! Good Job Dude!” ? Because as soon as these people are comfortable again they will most likely go RIGHT BACK to voting GOP. Most have not abandoned their “programming” they’re just personally uncomfortable enough to get off their ass and vote for the other guy just long enough for him to fix shit. This happens every single time GOP policies fail horribly, as they do over and over again. A bunch of uncomfortable white suburbanites and normally apathetic voters show up and go, “Well shit, guess we should maybe get rid of this idiot that is making all of us die from hypothermia or heat stroke. But we still hate those damn commie libruls! But we want electricity so, you know, THIS time we’ll vote Democrat.”

Non educated voters is the reason democracies fail, they’re the reason that we get stuck with assholes like Trump and they’re the reason that half this country thinks both sides suck, and I am tired of being expected to tolerate idiocy when people finally get fucked over enough by GOP policies that they wake up, momentarily.

You know what? You want me to “accept” you, fine, stop fucking supporting GOP, publicly come out and disavow everything they do and vote Dem more than once and then maybe I’ll play nice. In the meantime, no, I am going to hold you accountable for your choices and expect you and everyone else to do better and if that offends you? Too fucking bad. People have died because of the GOP stances, and they will continue to die if people on the GOP side do not publicly and loudly demand better of the GOP politicians and vote them out en masse, and if you voted for these fringe politicians, you helped cause the problem and you need to face that harsh fact and prove that you’re willing to do what it takes to fix this in the long run. And do it because you want to, not because you think liberals should be nice to you. We have no reason to be, not anymore, not after Trump.

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Kat Loveland
Political Writings

The only consistency in this author’s wheelhouse is mindfuckery. Writer, editor, blogger. Books here