TrumpCo Updates: You get a Subpoena, You Get A Subpoena! It’s A Fire Sale! All Subpoenas Must Be Served!

Kat Loveland
Political Writings
Published in
10 min readSep 13, 2022

At some point, one would think even the most brainwashed MAGA person would start considering that when EVERYBODY Trump knows gets a subpoena, maybe, just maybe, he’s not the most trustworthy individual.

And she told us exactly what was going to happen with Trump.

(Update: and today DOJ just subpoenaed all of MarALago security vid from Jan 10 2022 to current. Oooh it is on)

(Pours a stiff shot of whiskey) Settle in folks…this is going to take a minute. (Sips)

There was a disturbance in the Twitter force when Trump was spotted, by a plane spotter, landing in DC looking disheveled and wearing golf shoes.. (Starts at about two minutes in)

Which resulted in hours of fun speculation wondering why Trump, Mr. I Must Tell The World All The Things About Me!, had made no mention of this trip, which judging by his attire seemed a bit rushed and with all the things going on with the Mar A Lago Classified Docs case we were all hoping this meant he was going to be indicted, arrested or SOMETHING!

Well…none of those happened, but when we saw photos later of his “Golf Trip” no one in the photos or videos had a golf club in hand. This leads to the idea that “something big” was brewing in Trump's world as he’d stayed safely ensconced in Mar A Lago for months outside of going to his cult worship services.

And then this happened..

More than 30 people associated with former President Donald Trump and alleged efforts to influence the 2020 election results have received federal grand jury subpoenas, four sources told CBS News.

The subpoenas, many of which were issued last week, mark a significant escalation in the Justice Department’s investigation into origins of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot and other alleged attempts to stop the transfer of power to then-President-elect Joe Biden. One source familiar with the case characterized the investigation as huge.

The Justice Department is examining how money was raised and spent on alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election; efforts to submit fake “alternate” electors to Congress from states lost by Trump; and the “Stop The Steal” rally held at the Ellipse, adjacent to White House grounds, on Jan. 6, just before the Capitol riot.

Seems like although Judge Cannon (aka Can I Coordinate Criminal Coverups for Trump?) is trying her darnedest to keep her Federalist Society Golden Boy from going to prison due to stealing federal documents, the DOJ just went “Oh, you want to do some childish and irresponsible delaying tactics that endanger national security? Got it, well, while you dig yourself out of that hole, we’re going to carry on with all the other crimes he and his crew committed. Sounds good? Great.”

Those who were served subpoenas included employees and contractors for the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee, including poll watchers, according to two sources familiar with the subpoenas. The sources said the identities of those subpoenaed range from household names to mostly unknown, low-level field staffers.

CBS News has confirmed that close Trump aide Will Russell received a subpoena by email last week. And The New York Times reported last week that former White House senior aides Stephen Miller and Brian Jack also received subpoenas.

Jack and an attorney for Russell did not respond to a request for comment. Miller declined to comment through an intermediary.

FBI personnel served several of the subpoenas early in the morning last Wednesday and Thursday, the sources said, adding that in at least two instances, agents executed search warrants that allowed them to seize individuals’ cell phones.

Virginia-based attorney David A. Warrington, who said he represents approximately a dozen clients who have been issued subpoenas, said the FBI was “very professional” when serving his clients. He added that the subpoenas his clients received are nearly identical, describing them as lengthy documents divided into sections and subsections. They cover issues related to “alternate” electors and election certification deadlines on Dec. 14 and Jan 6, fundraising by the Save America PAC and the Jan. 6 “Stop the Steal” rally — but not the ensuing riot.

The subpoenas require individuals provide documents and any communication between themselves and Trump allies like Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Sidney Powell and Bernie Kerik, Warrington said. The subpoenas also demand recipients to provide any communication with dozens of individuals who appeared on slates of fake electors.

Now, for those of you who have gotten lost in the avalanche of legal cases TrumpCo is facing let me draw your attention to the fact that the DOJ wants information on communication between all these people and Giuliani, Eastman, Powell, etc.

Why is that interesting? Well, Giuliani and others are part of the case that Georgia is building re: the 2020 elections

and they have already been subpoenaed by Georgia: Can we say RICO Case? Yes, we can.

Seven of Donald Trump’s top allies have been subpoenaed in a criminal investigation into his efforts to overturn the election.

The seven will be called to testify before a grand jury in Atlanta, Georgia, as part of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ probe.

The subpoenaed individuals include several of Trump’s legal advisers and campaign staff, including Rudy Giuliani, as well as Senator Lindsey Graham.

The full list of subpoenaed Trump associates are Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, Kenneth Chesebro, Jenna Ellis, Jacki Pick Deason and Lindsey Graham.

The grand jury does not have the power to indict individuals, but is used to gather information ahead of potential criminal charges.

Where else are Giuliani and Eastman in trouble? Well, if you remember they also were subpoenaed to testify to the J6 committee, Eastman took the 5th and Giuliani talked to them for about 9 hours.

Speaking of the J6 Committee, they are going to start up again in late September and are looking to talk to Newt Gingrich, amongst others. We’re going to need a whole lot of popcorn for that hearing.

But back to Trump’s Friends Subpoena Party.

Here’s a fairly good list of who of his crew have pleaded guilty or been found guilty of crimes.

There are 10 people on that list, and now DOJ has issued subpoenas to 30–40 more people. Do the math folks. If you add the over 800 people that have been arrested, charged, and some convicted of crimes during the Jan 6th riot it would seem that Trump is racking up quite the count of people he knows who are going to prison for him or due to him.

There is also a very long list of cases currently pending against Trump revolving around the 2020 election and Jan 6th.

Now, this is where most people would start screaming about how frustrated they are that he is still walking free etc and how there are two justice systems (valid point) and how DOJ does nothing, no one cares and this is just all going to come to nothing in the end.

I am not one of those people, and here’s why.

One reason Trump has gotten away with shit for so long as a private citizen is that his usual modus operandi has been to throw lawyers at people who are trying to sue him, bury them under paperwork, settle out of court or force them to drop cases against him because he has more money than they do. He’s arrogant about that, cocky, and assumes that the DOJ and the Attorney Generals will just quit.

And yes, he’s trashed the DOJ while in office and stacked the courts with sycophants, but he’s overreached. Barr is coming out against him now and so is Berman. Who is stating he was fired because he would not participate in the coverup that Trump wanted…

“How was your work as U.S. attorney a threat to Trump’s reelection?” Maddow asked.

Well, at the time I was fired, the Southern District of New York was working on a couple politically sensitive cases. One of those cases is the Steve Bannon ‘we build the wall’ case and we were very close to indicting that case around the time I got fired, and Barr knew about the case,” Berman told Maddow.

Once Bannon was indicted by Berman’s successor, Trump pardoned Bannon, which Berman called “outrageous.”

He also noted his office had also been investigating Lev Parnes and Igor Fruman, two Trump allies who were eventually convicted of campaign finance charges that involved funneling money from a Russian tycoon into American political campaigns.

And Berman’s statements have now launched this

The Senate Judiciary Committee will investigate whether former President Trump’s Justice Department attempted to use the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office to prosecute his critics and protect his allies, the panel’s chairman said.

“These reported claims indicate astonishing and unacceptable deviations from the Department’s mission to pursue impartial justice, which requires that its prosecutorial decisions be free from political influence,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) wrote in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

As usual, the GOP and Trump are projecting what they’ve actually done onto Democrats. They keep stating that Dems are using DOJ for political witchhunt purposes when, as usual, they’ve been the ones doing it.

Not only has Trump overreached but he’s hitting the bottom of the barrel when it comes to finding lawyers to represent him. It’s gotten so bad that MAGA has now come to mean “Making Attorneys Get Attorneys” as Trump’s attorneys consistently do unethical or even illegal things while defending him, and they often don’t get paid either. Ask Rudy Giuliani how that worked out for him, maybe that’s why he testified, his pissed Trump never paid him.

“There’s no way to adhere to your ethical integrity and keep your job,” Kimberly Wehle, a University of Baltimore law professor who closely tracked investigations into the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol, told The New York Times of the dilemma Mr. Trump’s lawyers face: “There’s just no way to not step into a mess.”

The 65 Project, a bipartisan effort to hold Trump-allied lawyers accountable for filing 65 lawsuits across swing states in an attempt to overturn legitimate 2020 election results, has filed more than 40 ethics complaints with their respective state bar associations against lawyers who participated in the scheme.

Among the complaints, including 17 filed last month, are ethical concerns raised against former Trump lawyers John Eastman, Cleta Mitchell, and Jenna Ellis.

He’s losing ground on all fronts, even though it may not seem like it. The GOP has said they are going to stop paying his legal bills, more and more people will turn on him because they are seeing that he will happily throw them under the bus, or not pay them which means that all of these cases that are being investigated are going to lead to more and more unimpeachable evidence that he was truly the one in charge of all this corruption.

The reason the Mueller investigation failed, in a way, (and not just because the GOP wouldn’t indict him in the impeachment trial), was that there was never a clear “Trump did this and then this illegal thing happened” between him and Russia. He’s always been very good at tiptoeing up to the line but not crossing it and then using lawyers like Cohen to cover his tracks.

RNC chair Ronna Romney McDaniel reportedly told Trump that if he started a third party that the RNC would stop paying his legal bills, which were costing the party millions.

Politico reported Tuesday, however, that that decision has ended. According to the report, any legal fees having to do with Trump’s retention of government documents are not being paid by the RNC.

The report explained that Trump hired Chris Kise, a former Florida solicitor general, to represent him in the FBI search case, it was announced on Tuesday. Thus far, Trump has suffered with a legal team that is moving quickly to appear on television but not in filing a legal defense for their client.

Christina Bobb may be under her own legal problems after signing court documents saying that Trump had already turned over all of the documents. That turned out to be false.

Politico also reported that for his legal services, Kise will be paid by Trump, who regularly stiffs lawyers and business partners when it comes time to sign off on the bill.

“A person familiar with the matter confirmed that the Republican National Committee is not paying for Trump’s legal fees related to the FBI’s investigation and retrieval of documents at Mar-a-Lago,” Politico reported. “That’s a departure of sorts from the past. The RNC has, for example, paid for Trump’s legal bills involving New York Attorney General Tish James’ investigation into the former president’s private businesses.

The committee would stop paying Trump’s legal fees should he formally declare his candidacy for president in the 2024 election — a step he has hinted at but has yet to take.”

Not anymore.

“But we know he stole the docs! Why isn’t he in shackles yet Kat!!?? WHY???!!!” My theory? They’re putting together a case showing he sold classified information. There are a few stories out there about how we lost a whole lot more human intelligence assets in 2021 than we typically do, if DOJ can prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump sold the country out, then I would much rather get him on that then just stolen docs.

Why? I want every single MAGA moron to realize that they’ve been supporting a traitor and I want them to see the trail of bodies he’s caused. I want them to see how hollow his “patriotism” act was and I want them to choke on the utter shame of it.

Because only then will these troglodytes scurry back into the darkened corners of 4Chan and shady ass dark web space where they belong because they will be so publicly shamed and destroyed by everyone when they show their little “US flag” icons on Twitter that they won’t be able to function in normal society.

All of which means that I am willing to wait and let Garland do his job, because he knows, much more than we do, the true level of damage Trump caused and he’s a true public servant and professional, unlike Trump.

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Kat Loveland
Political Writings

The only consistency in this author’s wheelhouse is mindfuckery. Writer, editor, blogger. Books here