Why Does It Feel Like We Keep Going In Circles Politically? Because We Do.

Kat Loveland
Political Writings
Published in
6 min readAug 9, 2022

For some reason, as soon as the Dems fix things, people decide to vote GOP and we’re right back to where we were.

We Get Light in the Tunnel, the People Try to Crush It — Photo by Wil Stewart on Unsplash

I wanted to take a look at the major legislation passed by Dems since 2000 to compare prior Presidents to Biden and the current Congress and came across the DPC Senate site talking about what Obama and the Senate had accomplished by 2008, and it was serious deja vu. These are the opening paragraphs.

In 2006, Democrats were elected to take the country in a new direction by advancing the priorities of the American people. By the end of the first session, under Democratic leadership, the 110th Congress had made significant down-payments on those expectations. After nearly a decade of Republican control, Democrats have worked to stimulate the slowing economy, restore fiscal responsibility in Washington, fund the government, and pass key legislation on countering terrorism, homeland security, troop readiness, veterans’ care, crime, energy independence,competitiveness, ethics reform, labor and wages, small businesses, health care, nutrition, education, stem cell research, economic security, housing, transportation, water infrastructure, government accountability, and Gulf Coast revitalization.

Though proud of these accomplishments for the country, Senate Democrats are far from satisfied. President Bush and Bush Republicans have stood in the way of progress time and time again and have often refused to work with Democrats in good faith to address the needs of the nation. The American people are fed-up; they are tired of partisan politics, and Democrats share their frustration.

In 2008, Senate Democrats will not rest until we have addressed the key domestic and international priorities of our nation. We invite Republicans to join us. Together, with the American people at our side, Congress can and will take the country in a new direction.

The 110th Congress responded to the needs of the nation by passing a stimulus package that helps boost the economy and help America’s families.On February 7, both Houses of Congress passed H.R. 5140, the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, by overwhelmingly bipartisan votes. In passing this legislation so quickly, the Democratic-led Congress has kept its promise to effectively mitigate an economic downturn. While we recognize that there are structural problems in the economy that the short-term stimulus measure will not solve, the bill will provide direct financial relief to those who need it most and are most likely to use it to jumpstart the slowing economy. The measure, expected to be signed the President in the coming days, will:

·Issue a $300–600 rebate for individuals, or a $600- $1200 rebate for married couples, including seniors living only on Social Security and disabled veterans;

·Provide a $300-per child tax credit;

·Help families at risk of foreclosure by expanding mortgage financing opportunities; and

·Promote job-creating business investments by providing tax relief for American businesses, especially small businesses.

With Democrats at the helm, Congress passed a budget that restores fiscal discipline and puts middle-class families first, without raising new taxes. In 2001, the country enjoyed a $5.6 trillion ten-year projected surplus. Under the Bush Administration, that surplus was squandered, and the national debt ballooned from $5.8 trillion in 2001 to a projected $9 trillion by the end of 2007, all the while key domestic programs were left un-funded or under-funded and, as a result, average Americans suffered. In May 2007, Democrats began the process of reversing six years of fiscal mismanagement and irresponsible budget cuts by passing S. Con. Res. 21,the Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2008 (2008 Budget Resolution)

Does that look familiar? Does it remind you so much of what Biden and the Dems have had to deal with since taking over from Trump? It should, I mean hell, even the dollar amounts on the stimulus from back then and the stimulus from the COVID bills are about the same.

So why, why, do Dems have to keep saving the country from itself again, and again, and again?

Do Americans have such short term memories that they cannot remember what the Dems did for the 8 years they were in office? Maybe, but my theory is that liberals get complacent and that the American voter is secretly a masochist. There’s no other way to explain why Americans would choose to go through this up and down cycle over and over again.

Look at the history, over the last 40 years we have elected one Dem President for every two GOP, with the exception of Trump. We give GOP 12–16 years to trash the country and then Dems come in, balance the budget, do their damnedest to get a few major pieces of legislation passed that will provide better living environments for everyone and then the country seems to collectively go “Sweet, thanks for the save but we’re going to vote for the other guy, because we’re missing out on watching the country slowly collapse again. We need our drama, so off with you Dems, we’ll vote you in again riiiiiigggghhht before the total collapse of our country. See you then.”

American voters are like the toxic people that leech positive energy off anyone willing to help them. They start doing better than go straight back into self destructing again. They’re addicts, but I don’t really know what they are addicted to, other than fighting against any possible progress because they can’t handle being expected to be tolerant and grow as a country.

People blame messaging, that Dems suck at it. I disagree, I think Americans don’t want to listen to positive messaging, at least the white Americans as they usually are the ones that turn the tide back to GOP. I have seen this over and over again, Dems are required to spend years repeating all their accomplishments over and over again to somehow poke and prod voters to vote, but all GOP have to do is play the “Immigrant caravan and they’re taking your guns away” cards and BOOM! Record GOP voting turnout.

People got all pissed off about how the ACA was a huge giveaway to insurance companies while overlooking the millions of people it helped. I’ve been using it for years, no problems. Progressives wanted single payer yet overlooked how many people didn’t want the “government telling us who to use for insurances.” And GOP seized on that, played into people’s fears and got Trump into office after Obama did all the amazing things he did while in office.

Yes, we can blame Hillary “being a bad candidate”, not being progressive enough or whatever, but the fact remains that Americans, liberals ones in red and swing states, refused to continue to allow Dems to push us forward because they were pissed off for whatever reason.

We keep being forced to save the country from destruction because we refuse to continue to vote for progress. It’s much easier to tear each other down then focus on the positive, apparently, and much easier to dwell in the drama and the fear that seems to always come with a GOP president then remember and support all the good things that Dems get accomplished in record time.

America will never really move forward as a nation if we keep loving the drama and ignoring the progress.

Think about it.

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Kat Loveland
Political Writings

The only consistency in this author’s wheelhouse is mindfuckery. Writer, editor, blogger. Books here https://www.amazon.com/Kat-Loveland/e/B00IRRAMWO/re