As Trump’s Family Celebrates Christmas on the Penthouse of Trump Tower, Trump Makes it Harder for Unemployed People to get Food Stamps

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
4 min readDec 20, 2018

How would you define evil? I like to think that everyone is born good and pure. But then, the life we lead sculpts who we are. We all must navigate across the terrain of life. As a society, we have some moral guidelines on how to live life. If our Christian culture encourages us to love our neighbor, would the opposite be defined as evil? Is selfishness, greed, and ignorance considered evil, or just a cause or maybe a product of evil?

I’d say Trump is as evil as you get. He may tap dance across the stage singing about this mythical wall, or Making Coal Great Again, but he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about those things. All he cares about is his own wallet. All republicans are the same in that, all they care about is keeping (their) taxes low.

If Trump chooses between an extra dollar bill or a hundred poor families being denied Christmas dinner, he would go for the buck.

I’m sure a lot Trumpkins would disagree with that, but it is fact. I didn’t make it up, Trump is actually enforcing this legislation. Yesterday, the AP reported that Trump will propose a rule today that limits the state’s ability to exempt recipients from work requirements who receive SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).

…the House proposal would have slashed monthly food budgets for families receiving the benefit by as much as $75 a month. The House bill, according to the AP, would have also raised the age limit for work requirements from 49 to 59, and required parents who have kids older than 6 to participate in mandatory job training. SplinterNews

I get chills up my spine when I think about it. How stupid could someone be to actually vote for Trump? Shame on them! He has stuck his fat and orange hand in every federal piggy bank, and put that money in his own pocket. If you didn’t vote for Hillary, I hope that starving family huddling around a bonfire on Christmas day, blames you for their misfortune.

So Trump’s main platform is to take from the less fortunate and give to himself. Such characteristics are considered evil. The bible also says false prophets are evil, and that we should beware of them. Not to get too weird, but Trump, by definition is a false prophet.

In religion, a false prophet is one who falsely claims the gift of prophecy or divine inspiration, or who uses that gift for evil ends. Often, someone who is considered a “true prophet” by some people is simultaneously considered a “false prophet” by others, even within the same religion as the “prophet” in question. Wikipedia

A third of our country thinks Trump walks on water.

The belief that Trump’s election was God’s divine will is shared by others. Franklin Graham, the prominent conservative evangelical, said last year that Trump’s victory was the result of divine intervention. “I could sense going across the country that God was going to do something this year. And I believe that at this election, God showed up,” he told the Washington Post.

Taylor has made other claims, which he calls “prophetic words”, including that Trump will serve two terms, the landmark supreme court ruling on abortion in the Roe v Wade case will be overturned, and that next month’s midterm elections will result in a “red tsunami”, strengthening Republican control of both houses of Congress.

Barack Obama will be charged with treason and Trump will authorise the arrest of “thousands of corrupt officials, many of whom are part of a massive satanic paedophile ring”. Trump will also force the release of cures for cancer and Alzheimer’s that are currently being withheld by the pharmaceutical industry. — The Guardian

In our western civilization, we are taught to appreciate the rewards of helping others and sharing the resources we have. Especially, during the holidays, we recognize the gifts we have and try to share with less fortunate. That is just who we are.

Republicans however, strive to preserve as much of their money as possible. The only thing a republican politician cares about is reducing (their own) taxes. They don’t care about same sex marriage or abortion or immigration. They just say they do, to get votes, get elected, and then bring down taxes.

In conclusion, Trump is evil but so is the entire republican party. The sad part is I am certain none of the Trumps, while they eat their dinner and open gifts on Christmas, will think about the thousands of families forced to celebrate the holiday in the cold, thanks to them. Disgusting!

