Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2017


Donald Trump Jr. turned out to be the one to prove, once and for all, that there was collusion between Russia and the Donald Trump candidacy. As a result of Junior’s “mistake”, them Trumpkins need to find a new argument. Junior has verified that Russia did help out. If I was a Trump supporter, and for years, had been defending his Russia collusion accusations, I would feel betrayed right now. I would also blame Donald Trump Jr. I guess that is what you get for granting children the responsibilities of grown ups.

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Why would Donald Trump Jr. make such a stupid mistake? During the campaign, while America was questioning his father’s involvement with Russia, he sets up a secret meeting with the Russians. It is almost as if he is purposely trying to wedge his fat father under a bus. A sneak peek into his childhood, however, might explain why Junior may want to sabotage Papa Dukes’ presidency.

Enlightening details of his childhood, reveal a dark resentment for his father. According to Junior’s UPenn classmates though, Junior had a lot of issues. One student, Scott Melker, in fact, recalled witnessing Donald Trump smack his son.

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“Don Jr. opened the door, wearing a Yankee jersey. Without saying a word, his father slapped him across the face, knocking him to the floor in front of all of his classmates,” Melker writes on Facebook. “He simply said ‘put on a suit and meet me outside,’ and closed the door.” MiamiNewTimes article

Here’s his full post:

Miami DJ Says He Watched Donald Trump Brutally Slap His Son in College (2)

Facebook post

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The account sounds questionable. After all, Scott did vote for Hillary. I believe him though, simply because of Donald Trump’s reaction to the post. Or, lack of. Donald Trump never threatened to sue, like he does when anything defamatory comes to light. As a result, you have to lend this post some credence. He has threatened to sue everyone and their mothers. From John Kasich, over a negative campaign ad, to Univision over the Miss USA pageant. In fact, according to this FiveThirtyEight article, Trump threatened to sue 20 different parties just during the elections! So why wouldn’t he threaten to sue someone accusing him of child abuse? Few accusations are more horrendous.

If this account is true, it sheds a little light on the side of the Trump family few people get to see. Donald Trump Jr. sounds like one troubled kid. People who drink like that — pouring the bottle down their throat until they are passed out — usually are trying to escape their lives. You wouldn’t think a child from one of the wealthiest families in America, would have such a desire.

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Refute the Facebook post all you want, but it sure explains a lot of things. It explains why he always seems so angry, like he is at war with the world. Also, Junior’s suppressed hatred for his father explains this whole dumbfounded, slap-happy, and incredibly damaging meeting with the Russians. The bottom line is that if this impeachment-worthy carelessness was not planned, than he has to be dumber than a bag of bricks. Your choice. Either way, our President deserves whatever fate is in store, for giving birth to this nit-wit.

