Florida Governor Rick Scott Gives a Quarter Billion in Taxes to his Lawyer Buddies, that Doesn’t Include Florida’s $400 Million Legal Budget — Someone is Getting Robbed!

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2017

The best thing about this grotesque chapter in history entitled “Trump”, is how transparent republicans have become. Republicans across the nation are following Trump’s example and just taking anything they want. Florida Governor Rick Scott, for example, is stealing money from tax payers, but also campaigning against spending money on social programs that his constituents need to survive.

You could see these words swarming around his enormous cranium, ‘Everybody else is doing it. Why can’t I?’

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I wrote an article yesterday about Trumpcare. Quite possibly, the worst insurance plan ever proposed. Republicans and democrats alike are criticizing the plan. Despite the millions of people that will be dropped from insurance, top republican Paul Ryan, argues the plan is good because it “will provide massive tax relief”. That’s it folks. Saving money for the rich ‘trumps’ everything else! Once upon a time, they were sneaky crooks. Since The Donald took the helm, republicans have become just crooks.

Rick Scott has voiced his opposition to government spending. According to him, welfare, education, women’s health are just a few programs that the government should not spend money on. However, he has no problem with funneling our tax dollars to his buddies.

An Associated Press review revealed that Florida republicans spent a staggering quarter billion dollars on lawyers during the past six years. What makes that figure even more stunning, is how Attorney General Pam Bondi has a legal budget of nearly $309 million a year. This budget is supposed to satisfy the state’s legal needs and pay for 450 state lawyers. Most people would assume this massive legal army would be more than sufficient. Apparently, Rick Scott and his Florida conservative patriots spend much more. Sun-Sentinel article

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Another quagmire in this story is how the hourly rates of these lawyers are conveniently missing. Hypothetically, Rick Scott could hire his lawyer nephew for $10,000 an hour, or his dead lawyer father for $20,000 an hour. There is no way to check it. Those examples might seem a little far-fetched, but there is no other way to account for almost a billion dollars in legal fees.

“We do not have that information and are unaware of a way to capture expenditures for the purchase of outside legal services that would not entail an exhaustive search of documents,” said Whitney Ray, a spokesman for Bondi. Sun-Sentinel article

In other words: ‘you’ll just have to take our word for it!’

Attorney General Pam Bondi is an ace at stuffing those dollar bills up her sleeves. Remember, Pam Bondi blocked the Trump University case from being tried in Florida Her decision came days after receiving a phat $25K check from Donald Trump! Considering that our president wound up settling the case for an exorbitant amount, if, all the victims to his fraud case from Florida were also in that, it would have been a lot more. Unfortunately, none of those fraud victims were able to sue. But at least Bondi was $25K wealthier! PolitcalHaze article

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To put all of this in perspective, the AP report reveals Florida spent more than $237 million on “outside” lawyers since 2011. A figure that averages to $40 million a year. New York has spent $86 million in that six year span, or $17 million a year. Florida spends more than double what New York spends on legal matters Sun-Sentinel article. Do you really believe that?

Republicans are endlessly handing their buddies lots of money, but when it comes to putting food on a struggling family’s dinner table, that is when they draw the line!


Originally published at POLITICAL HAZE.

