I Finally Figured out Why Republicans Love Trump so Much, Its got a lot More to do With Them Than Him

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
4 min readFeb 24, 2019

It is quite astonishing when a Trumpkin professes their love for Trump. There has never been a politician to compel such a creepy cult-like adoration among his fan base. But then, when you look at who Trump is and who his adoring fans are, it gets a lot more creepy.

If any other politician committed just one of the hundreds of offenses Trump’s minions ignore, their political careers would wave bye bye. His most devoted base is the religious right. The same people that regularly attend church support a man who has bragged about cheating on his wife, enacts legislation to separate families, denies food to the hungry and shelter to the homeless, stole money from kids charity cancer benefits, and has set up sham corporations to prevent millions of dollars going to the American people.

If it wasn’t for this quarter of America that thinks Trump walks on water, he’d be toast. The most important thing to Trump is to maintain this idolization. Sarah Huckabee Sanders the other day, said at a press conference that God “wanted Donald Trump to be president.”

What other reason would she have to say that than to appeal to Trump’s religious right fan base. A couple weeks ago was the National Prayer Breakfast. Trump was there, squawking about banning abortion. They applauded him with tears in their eyes, just like little puppets dancing as Trump raises and lowers his fingers.

Shaima Swileh was a Yemeni mother. As a result of Trump’s travel bans, it was impossible for her to get to the country and be with her cancer stricken two year old son. She sued Trump and was able to see her son before he died. But how many Muslims are unable to be at the bed side of their dying loved ones because of Trump? How do you defend this in your Christian heart?

I’ve heard the whole “forgiveness” deal. I get it. Trump’s past crimes don’t matter, because good Christians forgive people. But if that’s the case, and your heart is so kind and forgiving that it could ignore a vile monster like Donald Trump, what about Hillary? The woman devoted her professional career to defending impoverished women and children, who otherwise would have no legal assistance. She started one of the most productive charities in American history, helping thousands of sick and starved people around the world.

But then we need to ask ourselves if Hillary even did anything that requires our forgiveness. Two years after the election and not a single Hillary charge. Don’t forget the eight republican led investigations during the election, that all concluded Hillary did nothing wrong. Former FBI agent James Comey just came out and said there is “zero chance” Hillary is prosecuted for her emails.

So then, what gives? Why are Trump supporters still so infatuated with him?

Lots of people hypothesize that abortion fuels the conservative fury. Gay marriage used to get republicans equally furious as abortion. But now, that gay marriage is legal in all fifty states, it doesn’t bother them anymore.

I think it has nothing to do with Trump. Trump put it best when he said how much he loved “the poorly educated”. They are nothing more than Australian Rupert Murdoch puppets. Fox and the conservative machine has successfully shaped all of Trump’s most loyal supporters. They hate liberals more than anything. To them, liberals and immigrants are the true enemies of the people. By branding liberals and immigrants as evil, uneducated Fox viewers think any other station is heresy.

So when Trump does something so outlandish and stupid, and the press naturally reports on it, it seems as if the media is attacking him. They are just covering the story, but since Trump is such a presidential failure, it is literally impossible to report on one of his “hamberders” or “convefe”, without belittling him. Try to write a story about someone who screws up everything they touch. I assure you, it will not be flattering.

Here is my point.

Instead of hanging his head in shame, as he should, Trump accuses the media of attacking him. When Trump commits some colossal failure, resulting in another defaming presidential story, his supporters see another attempt of “the left media” to smear the president.

Basically, Trump is in a win win situation. If he ever did something good, then that would be great. But when he does something wrong, to his supporters, “the left media” is just trying to crucify their idol.

It works both ways. The more angry and vocal democrats get over Trump’s idiocy, the louder his supporters cheer. How awesome would it be, if you succeed even when you fail?! Trump will only lose when he steps into his prison cell.

