I Thought no one Would be Uncovered Under Trumpcare, the CBO says 52 Million Americans Will be

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
5 min readMar 14, 2017

Gradually, republicans, led by Paul Ryan, are starting to show their true colors. Once upon a time, republicans masked their robbery. They used to call it “trickle-down” or “supply side”. There are a trillion ways to do it, but only one way to make him happy. Lower his taxes.

Now with Trumpcare, they admit the legislation does exactly what it was designed to do, steal as much money from America and hand it to the wealthy. Despite the CBO asserting that Trumpcare will cause millions of people to lose insurance, republicans are fine with it because of the “major tax relief” that it offers!

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About 11 o’clock yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office revealed its report on Trumpcare. The report estimated that 14 million less people would have insurance in 2018 versus Obamacare. More astounding, under Trumpcare 24 million less people would have insurance versus Obamacare in 2026. For about an hour, you could hear a pin drop anywhere in America. Everyone was shocked! Not even a month, and Trump’s biggest promise turns out to be nothing more than a lie. LAtimes article

Our president promised us that everyone would have healthcare under his plan. He said no one would lose healthcare. More bone-chilling however, was the reaction of republican politicians.

Despite the fact that his party’s policy will deprive a good percentage of our population health insurance, House Speaker Paul Ryan was all smiles. He declared the CBO’s report a success. To him and his billionaire buddies it sure was a success!

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“This report confirms that the American Health Care Act will lower premiums and improve access to quality, affordable care,” he said in a statement. “CBO also finds that this legislation will provide massive tax relief, dramatically reduce the deficit, and make the most fundamental entitlement reform in more than a generation.” LAtimes article

Ignore the fact that millions of your countrymen and women and children will die because they don’t have healthcare. Instead, Paul Ryan does a fist pump that his wealthy donors will get a “massive” tax break. Disgusting!

One would be pressed to blame Ryan’s logic though. Republicans ran on the promise of cutting taxes and they are only keeping their promise by implementing Trumpcare. According to Paul Ryan, the greatest benefit of Trumpcare is that it slashes taxes.

Remember Obamacare was funded through taxes. How do you slash taxes, but design a healthcare in which, as Trump promised, everyone gets terrific healthcare? You don’t.

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Taxes pay for the nation’s healthcare. If the government insists that the wealthy keep their taxes, then there is no national insurance. Trumpcare also eliminates people having to buy insurance, which removes more funding from Trumpcare.

Our president is lying if he claims that he really thought Trumpcare would cover as many people as Obamacare. It was all a trick to save his buddies money. That is all republicans care about. At least now, republicans admit that is at the core of every decision they make.

(could this be why Trump, as he says, loves the uneducated so much?)

Over the weekend, republicans predicted that their healthcare plan would get a lousy grade from the CBO. Republicans were finally right about something.

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Last week White House press secretary Sean Spicer said,

“If you’re looking at the CBO for accuracy, you’re looking in the wrong place.”

Paul Ryan said,

“The one thing I’m certain will happen is CBO will say, well, gosh, not as many people will get coverage. You know why? Because this isn’t a government mandate. This is not the government makes you buy what we say you should buy, and therefore the government thinks you’re all going to buy it. So there’s no way we can — you can compete with on paper a government mandate with coverage.”

The White House budget director Mick Mulvaney also tried to discredit the CBO ahead of their report.

“If the CBO was right about Obamacare to begin with,” said Mulvaney, “there would be eight million more people on Obamacare today than there actually are. So I love the folks at the CBO — they work really hard, they do, but sometimes we ask them to do stuff they’re not capable of doing, and estimating the impact of a bill of this size probably isn’t the best use of their time.”

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Hold up, Micky boy!

The CBO wasn’t too off on their Obamacare predictions. The CBO predicted that 89% of Americans below age 65 would have insurance in 2016. The number was actually 89.7. Money.cnn article

The nation’s healthcare is an important thing. Are they that confidant that all critics are wrong? Don’t they want to make sure this is going to be good for every American man, woman and child?

Trumpcare won’t pass, not because it is too conservative, but it is not conservative enough. Half republicans hate Trumpcare, because they feel the government should not pay one penny towards the healthcare of the poor.

Think Trumpcare is bad? Wait’ll you see what winds up passing!

The Republican Study Committee, composed of 170 House conservatives, argued that the plan was too similar to Obamacare.

Likewise, the RSC memo objects to the new plan offering tax credits to help people access health insurance through individual plans. “Writing checks to individuals to purchase insurance is, in principle, Obamacare,” the memo states. Even though it acknowledges that this approach “does allow more choices for individuals” and “is more patient-centered,” it’s still not acceptable because the federal government simply shouldn’t “fund insurance purchases.” Freedom means people being left to fend for themselves. ThinkProgress.org

Originally published at POLITICAL HAZE.

