If you Didn’t Vote for Hillary, You Helped Putin Weaken America

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2018

Regarding the Mueller investigation, your guess is as good as mine, as to what is going on. No one really knows much about it. However, judging by previous indictments, we could deduce a bit. In February, Mueller issued several indictments toppling the Russian trolling aspects of Trump’s campaign. Now it seems, Mueller is trying to connect the Russian trolling with people close to the Trump campaign.

The chances that Trump knew nothing about this intricate operation is close to nothing. Even if someone did tell him, as long as it wasn’t done over a retrieved email or a hidden camera, Trump could just deny it. Plausible deniability. As long as Trump was never told about Russian interference, than he could preserve his innocence. Though, this is not likely considering the amount of people who were so paramount in his campaign that have already been indicted on charges.

I always thought it was so bizarre that the people Trump chose to head his campaign from the start, were all intimately involved with Russian politics. All of them. How hard could Mueller’s investigation really be? I mean, just ask whoever chose all of these pro-Russian spies to head a US presidential campaign, why they chose them.

Paul Manafort, the indicted former chairman of the Trump campaign had extensively lobbied in the past for a pro-Russian Ukranian party. A Russian oligarch with close ties to Putin, gave Manafort tens of millions of dollars.

Trump’s former Security Advisor, Michael Flynn actually RESIGNED after it was revealed that he discussed with Russia, the methods of easing Russian sanctions imposed by Obama.

Trump’s former Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, LIED under oath, that he had no communications with Russians.

Rex Tillerson, Trump’s former Secretary of State, has a VERY close relationship with Putin. He was actually awarded Russia’s Order of Friendship in 2013, the highest Russian award possible for foreigners.

Carter Page, a former foreign policy advisor to Trump, was later charged by the US as being an unregistered agent for a foreign government, A.K.A a spy.

Felix Sater was once a Trump senior adviser, with intimate ties to the Russian mafia.

George Papadopoulas, Erik Prince, Jared Kushner, Wilbur Ross, Donald Trump Jr., the list of those involved in the Trump campaign with Russian ties is immense. Practically every single person in Trump’s campaign is guilty of consorting with Russians.

If only one of these people confessed to Mueller about informing Donald Trump of their corruption, then he would be guilty of the hugest crime in American history.

Do you think Jared Kushner or Donald Trump Jr., would spend 20 years in Rikers Island to protect Donald Trump? How long do you reckon Jared would last in cell block 12?

Only when Donald Trump is carted off to prison, will Putin’s victory be complete. More than republicans or democrats, Putin’s mission was to destroy America. By tricking so many of our neighbors to despise Hillary Clinton, a woman who devoted her legal life to helping underprivileged women and children, whose charity gave medicine and food to hundreds of thousands of people, Putin is victorious.

Putin has a long relationship with Trump. Putin played him like a fiddle. He knew his ties to the Russian mafia. Putin understood Trump would steal and rob from the American people. Do you really think Putin would have helped someone become president of the United States, that he thought would BENEFIT our country? Of course not. He knew Trump would desecrate the office of the president of the Unites States. This is what he wanted.

His only obstacle was Hillary Clinton. During the election, she was considered the most qualified candidate ever to run for president. Trump, was considered the least. Putin knew that he couldn’t get Trump to win by glorifying his presidential attributes, because, as we now know, he didn’t have any.

The only way Putin was going to get Trump elected, was by besmirching Hillary’s character. Thousands of articles a day were written and sent over the internet, regarding bizarre and untrue Hillary allegations. News stations churned these stories out as well.

Hillary’s campaign was just about as responsible for her loss than Donald ways. It didn’t help that Hillary blatantly ignored voting demographics and areas.

Pizzagate: Anatomy of a Fake News Scandal

To further validate my assumption that Putin was more concerned with dividing America than getting Trump elected, look at some of the other articles produced by Moscow meant to look American.

Last year, Facebook identified more than 3,000 ads, more than $100,000, on divisive issues like race, gay rights, gun control and immigration, purchased y a shady St. Petersburg, Russia company.

“Blacktivist” was a website operated by Russian agents, claiming to be Black Lives Matters members. The site publicized protest and violent uprisings. Chicago Tribune

The biggest Trumpkin this side of the Mississippi, could not disagree with anything in this article. It is all facts. Putin’s quest to destroy America from within, was by implanting snake-oil salesman Trump as our president. This could only be achieved by destroying Hillary’s character. Some of us, the less educated, fell for these tricks.

