James Comey Says ‘Zero Chance’ Hillary is Prosecuted for Emails

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
4 min readFeb 18, 2019

Despite thousands of years of evolution, humanity could be very stupid. Donald Trump’s presidency is proof of that. The fact that Donald Trump, a life long gangster, could become president was astonishing. Even more bewildering, was watching him besmirch Hillary Clinton, a woman who devoted her life to legally helping women and children, and then starting one of the most successful charities that provided food and medicine to across the world.

Still, during the election, Trump managed to make the country hate this saintly woman. Trump and the right wing propaganda machine, demonized this woman. I remember hearing during the election, that Trump was the most unqualified candidate ever, while Hillary was the most qualified candidate to run for president.

Trump keeps desperately trying to reignite Hillary hatred. God knows it worked for him during the election. Fox News also perpetuates this hatred. It has been more than two years since Hillary lost the election and stepped out of the spotlight. She is still regularly featured on Fox News.

The same republican propaganda machine I mentioned earlier, wants to make Trump the hero and Hillary the evil witch. This makes the Fox viewer happy. If you are an unemployed meth addict (as many of the Trump supporters are), nothing is better than being right. Not only does Fox News present the “news” of the day, but it also serves as a great ego booster. What other channel boosts people self confidence like Fox does? They were Trump supporters, and then he won. For the first time in their lives, they were right about something. Every time Fox News airs a story about how great Trump is or how terrible Hillary is, their beliefs are reconfirmed.

Even Bernie Sanders fans jumped on this bandwagon and desecrated Hillary. They were so adamant that Hillary was a criminal. According to them, all of the beautiful charity work she had done was a scam, and her and Bill were pocketing the charity.

Lets do a little investigation ourselves. Don’t take my word for it. But type in to Google, ‘Hillary charity rating’. You’ll see a lot of charity rating websites, and all of them rate the Clinton charity as one of the highest, even better than Red Cross!!

Now, former FBI Director James Comey said that there is a zero chance Hillary will be prosecuted for her emails. Remember how excited they got about that stupid email story? Turns out it was absolutely nothing.

From the beginning, the story was a real head scratcher. Donald Trump and Putin successfully stirred up a firestorm that Hillary used a personal email server. She never faced charges. Let’s imagine that staunch conservatives were investigating her. Oh wait. At the time, the people in the FBI who were investigating her email server like James Comey and Andrew McCabe WERE life long republicans, and still decided not to press charges.

But for arguments sake, let’s say that she was charged. And they threw the book at her. The harshest penalty she could have gotten was involuntary negligence. The whole email server episode was that Hillary could have been reading or sending some classified information on her personal email server, and terrorists could hack in and read the emails. So the worst crime here, would be that Hillary unintentionally had emails stolen.

Remember when Ivanka was accused of the same dastardly crime? She used a personal email server to send classified information. But republicans didn’t care at all about that.

At the time, while Trump was tooting his horn about Hillary’s emails, he was being sued in a massive class action suit alleging that he stole tuition money from little children. Eventually, he settled the law suit and gave the plaintiff class millions and million of dollars. Still, millions of morons said Hillary was the criminal out of the two!

So many people were tricked into hating Hillary. It turns out, she won’t be charged for anything. It was all a facade into fooling you not to vote for Hillary. And look what your stupidity has cost this country and this world. Shame on you! May you never step into a voting booth again!

