Millions of Dollars Donated to Republican Midterms, Went to Trump’s Pockets Instead

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2018

Everyday, democrats are finding different reasons to thank Donald Trump for the biggest midterm victory since Watergate. A mere tweet from Donald Trump, induced with profanity, misspelled words, and blatantly untrue facts, hurts the GOP a lot more than it helps. Democrats could only dream to hurt the republicans as much as Trump does. President Trump actually stole money intended to benefit fellow republican elections.

The midterms just passed, and republicans were drilled a new asshole. They got clobbered. An article from Mother Jones, proposes an explanation as to why they lost so many races was that they had no money.

Fundraising was the biggest GOP problem this midterm. At an event on Capitol Hill, Mitch McConnell explained to an empty room of irate republicans, that the GOP is having a big problem with raising cash. No one wants to give republicans any money.

It does not help that the democrats are the party of the youth, the technologically gifted.

ActBlue is an easy-to-use site that allows givers to plug in their credit card information and send contributions to their candidate of choice with a click. Republicans have no such centralized fundraising platform. — Politico

The midterms helped to illuminate this financially debilitating disease, that saw the GOP outraised by never before seen amounts. During the third quarter, 92 House GOP incumbents collected less money than their Democratic challengers, and 51 of those Republicans raised less than half the amount taken in by their rivals. EPIC!

While the GOP was out on the sidewalk, stuffing an empty tin can in the faces of those who passed, President Trump was raising unprecedented amounts.

Trump started raising money almost as soon as he was inaugurated in 2017. This in itself was a break from the immediate past. Former President Barack Obama, for example, didn’t do any fundraising until 2011, a year before running for re-election. Trump quickly amassed a massive war chest in excess of $100 million. — NewRepublic

After amassing this gigantic coffer of cash, when the Midterms come, instead of spending it on his fellow republicans, Trump gave a huge percentage to companies…owned by Donald Trump!

$3.2 million to his own properties

$1.2 million on his own jets

$9 million on legal fees

$5 million on ads by a company run by head of Trump campaign

$35.4 million stored away in a Trump Tower vault for a runny day

Many republican politicians lost because Trump did not share donations with them. However, these losing politicians were damaged two-fold. The pool that Trump took from is composed of donations that the entire party relies on. It isn’t like they could have gotten more donations. Those funds were meant to pay for their elections. Instead, they were stolen by Trump.

It is hard to pity these republicans. Like pitying someone who gets robbed after inviting the neighborhood thief over for dinner. They should’ve known better. During the elections, Donald Trump was being sued in a massive class action for stealing tuition money from little high school students.

GOOD GOD! Is it really that shocking that when someone sticks a hundred dollar bill in his hand, he won’t be sharing it!!?? Of course he wont!

You fools shouldn’t have nominated him. And you sure as heck-fire shouldn’t have elected him. Republicans deserve to be robbed by him. Stupid is as stupid does.

