NRA are Just as Treasonous as the GOP

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2018

If money got Trump elected, the NRA’s whopping $30 million donation to Trump was a YUGE factor. That huge number raises a lot of eyebrows. For starters, the NRA didn’t even spend a third of that for the previous Republican election, Romney in ’12, VanityFair. Just the other day, the NRA released statements that they are almost bankrupt. So why would they give $30 million to a candidate like Trump, probably the least republican “guns” candidate ever, months before declaring bankruptcy?

Mueller is currently trying to figure out if this massive donation had anything to do with frequent secret meetings between Trump’s family members, the NRA and Russian operatives. For obvious reasons, the use of foreign money is illegal. And if it turns out that Russia funneled millions of dollars through the NRA to get Trump elected, countless acts of treason have been committed. Not only would the GOP be finished, but the NRA would as well.

The NRA and Russia are peculiar bed buddies. Guns are not very common in Russia, so for the Russian government to donate so much money to the NRA is questionable.

Just check out this incredibly weird Russian pro gun advertisement.


Remember, those Russian fake news sites that filtered into our society during the election? The ones about Trump and Clinton were easy enough to distinguish, but there were also lots of fake news stories with the chief intention of dividing Americans. When a policeman shot and killed a black man, a Russian troll farm created ads, allegedly from African American groups, inciting more hatred and violence.

According to a USAToday analysis, more than half of the ads produced by the Russian based Internet Research Agency dealt with race, about a quarter dealt with policing our streets, Vox. All of them however, were designed to divide Americans.

So then, if Russia’s goal was to divide Americans, should it be a shock that they give so many millions of dollars to the NRA? What other institution is as divisive as the NRA? In Florida, if by accident, I walk into my neighbor’s apartment, thinking it is mine, by law, they could shoot me dead.

It is called the Stand Your Ground Law. Countless of innocent people have died as a result of the law. Republican politicians who are in the NRA’s pockets vote for it, and thereby, should be responsible for anyone who has died as a result of the law. But now, we have an interesting piece to the puzzle. The Stand Your Ground law probably would have never gotten to a vote, had it not been for Russian money. So do we blame republican politicians or the Kremlin, for these gun laws that terrorize our country.

A lot of these answers are being revealed by accused Russian spy Maria Butina. According to her boyfriend, Paul Erickson, he used the NRA as a channel to set up private communication between the Trump campaign and the top Russian government.

That above paragraph really is the definition of treason.

According to the agreement, in March of 2015 Butina and Erickson drafted a proposal called the “Description of Diplomacy Project”, in which they “laid the groundwork for an unofficial channel of communication with the next U.S. administration”. Butina was funded by a Russian billionaire in her efforts to attend gun-rights conferences and make political contacts, and after reading the project proposal, Torshin told her that her proposal “would be funded, at least in part”. Erickson then “worked with Butina to arrange introductions to U.S. persons having influence in American politics”, including the NRA and National Prayer Breakfast. — Inquisitr

This “back channel” of communication, between the Kremlin and the White House is something I’ve heard about several times. Writing this article makes me think of this story,

Kushner also wanted a secret line of communication linking the president and Putin. Either, Jared just coincidentally had this terrible idea, OR the same Russian money that persuaded the NRA to commit treason, also persuaded Jared to accept this offer.

