Pam Bondi is the Epitome of Trump Corruption, and she might be our Attorney General

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2018

The latest is that Trump is tossing fired Jeff Session’s Attorney General position between New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

Pam Bondi earned to be in contention of one of the most esteemed positions in the country, not by her merit but rather by hooking up Trump nicely. Just like the saying goes, ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’.

As dirty and corrupt as you can get.

Donald Trump, Pam Bondi and $25K: Was it pay to play? — Politifact

During Bondi’s 2014 reelection campaign, her political action committee received a ginormous donation of $25,000 from the Trump foundation. That alone raises eyebrows. However, while Bondi was opening up this package and unloading the stacks of hundred dollar bills, she was reviewing the Trump University class action complaint.

Astonishingly, Bondi decided not to pursue a Florida investigation into the Trump University allegations. In other words, all of the little children and senior citizens in Florida, who were scammed by Donald Trump, were not allowed to sue and get back their money.

Even more shocking is that Pam Bondi is now on the verge of becoming the Attorney General, the top position in the Justice Department.

Isn’t that rich?

Bondi, literally, protected a scam artist, and prevented him from paying back money that he stole. And now, the scam artist rewards her with an elusive political position!

Since then, protesters swarm her in public. I wrote this article a few months ago, about her being accosted by protesters at the Mr. Rogers movie (wonder if she learned anything from the movie).

Her response? “I’m not going to be bullied by them.”

Trump must have loved her tough as nails attitude. Screw the people that elected you into office! Don’t let them bully you!

It is disgusting to see how prevalent the fraud is in Trump’s administration. Trump University is a great allegory for republicans. The fact that while Donald Trump is running for president, he is being sued in this massive class action, in which he hustled little children out of tuition money, is terrifying.

Here is something terrifying: there are actually Americans, our neighbors, that voted for someone to be president while he was being sued for stealing tuition money from people he suckered into enrolling into his school.

And now this disgusting excuse of a human being will be our nation’s Attorney General???!!! The corruption is so evident and pervasive, I doubt Trump would nominate her, cause it will just unleash everything I’ve written about. Anyway, just by floating her name as a possible candidate, I’m sure he’s done enough.

