Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2018


Political analysts constantly express frustration in trying to figure out the motives of our president. In American history, no president has acted so bizarre and erratic. Frequently, people compare Trump decisions to the whims of a precocious toddler, as he flings his lunch across the cafeteria. I actually think that Trump is very simple to deduce. Trump fawns for attention. He must have had a neglected childhood, because nothing is more important to him than attention. He is no different from that lonely middle school student, bouncing around the cafeteria, desperately searching for friends. Think about it. Trump can handle all the hatred by American critics. As long as he maintains his loyal fan base, which is a third of the country, there will always be applause behind that booing.

Image result for trump tariff hurt supporters

The political irony here is hilarious. His loyal groupies are the poorest and least educated in American population. This is why the fraudster began his campaign by appealing to these people. They were uneducated and hopeful, perfect characteristics to be hustled. Meanwhile, all of Trump’s legislation is aimed to fatten his wallet. Appeasing both demographics is impossible. For example, he was only able to provide a historically enormous tax break to himself by slashing educational and welfare benefits to his supporters. His supporters of course will deny it, and continue to justify there cult like obsession with Trump. But it is true. Check out this CNBC article.

Trump’s core supporters are about to be handed the bill for tax reform

Yesterday, while was watching Trump defend his steep Chinese tariffs, I got to thinking about this article. Why does he continue to push these tariffs? Countless American economists postulate these tariffs are a terrible idea.

Fish, fabric and furniture: Trump’s latest tariffs will hit consumers after the holidays, Chicago-area companies warn — Chicago Tribune


Image result for wall and tariffs ineffective

These tariffs are exactly like his wall. His uneducated fan base was so enamored with these two campaign promises. Despite critics claiming that both of these ideas would be extremely costly and ineffective, Trump continues to bait the crowds at his rallies with such nonsense. Kind of like teasing that donkey with the carrot. He knows there will never be a wall, though he mentions it at every rally. Why? Because his supporters want to hear it. Any mention of it just makes them love him more.

His supporters, the same people that cheer for these tariffs, are the ones that will be hurt the most from his tariffs. Just like Trump’s taxes will hurt his most infatuated supporters the most.

As a result, Trump knows he can do anything to his supporters and the love will never die. No matter how much shit he pours on them, they will still beg him for more.

