Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2017


President Trump gave a very odd speech to police officers in a suburb of New York on Friday. The point of the speech was to illustrate the need for stricter immigration laws. Trump waged war against the MS-13 gang. He claimed the gang was made up of illegal aliens, killing countless children and police officers.

Interestingly, Trump gave his speech in Suffolk County, New York, the same county that had been under Justice Department oversight since 2013, as a result of anti-immigrant violence. CNN article

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Its almost as if Trump selected Suffolk County as the place most likely to praise his tactic of violence against immigrants.

In his denouncement of the gang, Trump asked the police officers to “rough up” these gang members. Specifically, Trump suggested that police shouldn’t protect the heads of handcuffed suspects being put in the back of a car.

That comment got a few laughs, but the rest of America listened with shock. Did the president of the United States really just endorse police brutality?

Image result for trump police suffolk

“When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon. You see them thrown in rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice,’” Trump said to applause, referring to officers shielding prisoners’ heads with their hands.

“Like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody. I said, ‘You can take the hand away, OK?’”

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A sharp push back has erupted all over the country, from police agencies to human rights organizations, from New York to Los Angeles.

“President Trump’s comments fly in the face of the responsibility our city’s officers display in the line of duty,” Maya Wiley, chairwoman of the Civilian Complaint Review Board, said in a statement. CNN article

Trump is like that really aggressive driver, who keeps honking you and cursing at you. But then when you stop the car, he quickly drives away. He tries so hard to look like a tough guy, but we all he is as soft as a dandelion.

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The new White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, is in the same boat. He is Italian and he is from New York. Like Trump, Scaramucci is infusing his speeches with tough guy rhetoric.

Scaramucci called White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus a “f — paranoid schizophrenic.” Scaramucci went on to compare their relationship to that of brothers who are “rough on each other,” invoking Cain and Abel. One of those biblical brothers murdered the other. WashingtonPost article

Very tough.

Image result for scaramucci reince

This was setting up the letting go of Reince Priebus.

A few days ago, Trump and Reince Priebus flew on Air-Force One and they discussed Reince’s departure from the position.

That was the first time, since Trump brought Scaramucci into the White House that they were apart. Looks like Scaramucci was too chicken shit to fly with Priebus after saying what he did.

Trump is the same. He is trying so hard to appear really tough. He is trying to appeal to his low brow, uneducated fan base, that love professional wrestling and monster trucks.

