Protests to Keep Obamacare are Almost as Bad as the Protests that Erupted When Obamacare was Implemented

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2017

There was at least one protest in every major city across the country last week. The protests are so threatening that earlier this month, House Republicans began devising methods to best protect themselves and their families, The Hill article. America is furious that Donald Trump is taking away the first reliable healthcare system we have had in our lifetime.

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To watch a government remove healthcare for its citizens is very sad. Considering that we had healthcare for a small period of time, makes it even worse now that we have to forfeit these precious benefits. Despite this wave of fury sweeping across our streets, a small flicker of irony could be observed. Just a few years ago, a similar mood of protest was in the air. Republicans were up in arms over the implementation of Obamacare and now we are fighting to keep it.

Whatever their motive was to deny your kid healthcare, may never be understood. I feel that we could narrow it down to one of these suspects.

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  • Was it because of their allegiance with big pharma, which stood to lose their grip on the most profitable business in the country?
  • Were they trying to prevent democrats from being credited for bringing healthcare to our streets?
  • Or is it because Obamacare would become just another entitlement, like Medicare and Social Security, whose existence relies on taxing the wealthy elite, the same people republicans are in bed with.

Whatever the reason is, America needs Obamacare and we will never accept the republican’s attempt to suffocate it. Do they think, they could muzzle our resistance? Do they think we will just surrender and lay down and die?

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In the history of our government, never had a program, domestic or foreign, been fought as much as republicans tried to block Obamacare. 52 times, republicans tried to repeal Obamacare. Republican politicians vowed that Americans wouldn’t be “forced” to have healthcare.

Last year, CBS News calculated that the first 33 votes to repeal health care reform took up approximately 80 hours of floor time from the House, or roughly two weeks. The Congressional Research Service said it costs $24 million to run the House for a week, so the first 33 votes cost taxpayers approximately $48 million. CBS article

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As a result of the articulated campaign that republicans drove against Obamacare, all of their impressionable supporters became angry. Those uneducated bumpkins, that sit drooling watching Fox News, were equally impassioned.

Like an army of mindless zombies, they were marching up and down their cobble-stoned streets, waving signs that read, “You said I could choose my doctor” or “We the people say no to government healthcare” or “Keep your politics out of my healthcare”. And why? So their own children wouldn’t have healthcare! Now, they are back on those streets, protesting once again. Except this time, they are trying to keep Obamacare.

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Like little puppets dancing across a stage.

A recap: Obama introduces Obamacare. Republicans fight it tooth and nail. It passes. America loves it. Republicans take it away. Americans fight to keep it.

Americans have to wake up and see that Republicans are not on our side.

Originally published at POLITICAL HAZE.

