Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
5 min readOct 1, 2018


Remember that two-bit hustler on the street corner? As you watch his left hand shuffle the cards, his right hand fishes your wallet out of your pocket. It really is the oldest trick in the book. Too bad our elected politicians employ the same deceptive practices. There was a reason why the republicans scheduled their ginormous tax cut vote the same day as the Kavanaugh hearings. Congress is in session on average about 138 days a year. Crazy that the biggest tax break in American history is scheduled the same day as the Supreme Court Judicial nominee hearing. What are the chances!

Image result for wealthy republicans

Republicans are only in office to lower the taxes of their wealthy contributors as much as possible. You think they really care about preventing women from getting abortions? Of course not. However, abortions are an effective way to rile up their supporters and get them to the voting booth. Essentially, these politicians are tricking abortion haters to vote for them, but also to vote against education and retirement benefits for themselves and their families. Hell! Look at the list of “pro-life” republicans that don’t practice what they preach. Tim Murphy, pro-life Pennsylvania republican who resigned after it was revealed that he talked his mistress into getting an abortion. Let’s not leave out Tennessee congressman Scott DeJarlais, who supported his ex-wife’s decision to get TWO abortions PLUS he pressured his patient (whom he was sleeping with) to get ANOTHER abortion! TheGuardian

In DeJarlais’ defense, after all of this information was unveiled, he did say that God forgave him. He also continued to vote for ant-abortion bills.

The America of tomorrow will be the real victim.

Image result for poor children america

The tax cut that they voted for during Kavanaugh’s hearing is epic! The tax cut is one of the biggest in our history. It gets crazy when you look at how much taxes America paid BEFORE Trump’s tax break.

A research paper published this week by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicagoincludes the above chart, highlighting the tax burdens of all 35 OECD countries as of 2014. With a tax burden of 25% — a measurement that includes income, property, and various other taxes — the U.S. is near the very bottom, well below the overall average of 34%. It ranks below all the measured countries except Korea, Chile, and Mexico. Time

When Obama was president, we already were paying one of the least amounts in taxes in the world. Now, after these tax breaks, we will be paying next to nothing.

The best part is that the bill made the recently enacted tax cuts permanent for individuals. Check out the graph below to see how the tax cut passed will disproportionately affect the uber-wealthy. Many Trump supporters are dancing in the street to another glorious Trump victory. Trump saved them money. Those making less than $100,000 will save between 100 and 980 dollars a year. Majority of Trump supporters, mind you, will be making $100 in tax relief. But those making $3.9 million, will get more than $100,000 in tax relief.

Before those Trump supporters rush that $100 bill to the nearest meth dealer, consider where the government drained $4 trillion to afford this immense tax cut. For starters, America will no have to borrow a lot more money. According to this Chicago Tribune article from February, the government borrowed nearly a trillion dollars, which was an 84% increase from the year before!

That is just last year. In ten years, when all of these republicans are out of office, and Trump is sipping martinis on his penthouse balcony, our children will be saddled with this massive tax cut. The tax cuts in H.R. 6760, just ONE of the bills, will force America to borrow $630 billion in the fist ten years! BlueVirginia

Education was an easy coffer to rob to afford the massive tax cut. Florida Governor Rick Scott’s budget for next year is $1.75 billion less than this year. About half of that amount is a result of the federal government refusing to send the $873 million it sent to Florida last year for education. PalmBeachPost

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Education is everything. Assuring the minds of tomorrow are sharp and innovative will continue America’s footing on the global stage. However, as more children flock into public schools, our education budget decreases. Betsy Devos, Trump’s Secretary of Education, has voiced her mission to destroy public education.

Worried Betsy DeVos could ‘destroy’ public education? Here’s what you should know

I’m sure this article has depressed anyone who read it. Therefore I will end on a comical note. During the campaign, Trump confessed several times that, if elected, the rich were gonna pay a lot more in taxes.

In August 2015, then-candidate Trump told Bloomberg: “I do very well. I don’t mind paying a little more in taxes. The middle class is getting clobbered in this country.” A month later, he unveiled his tax plan in Trump Tower and declared, “It’s going to cost me a fortune, which is actually true.” Vox

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When someone actually SAYS that they are speaking the truth, they are usually lying.

If you were tricked and you didn’t vote for Hillary, apologize to your kids, cause they are the ones who will get douched with Trump’s tax cut.

