Republican Trick #112, How to Get Uneducated Americans to Vote Against their Families Best Interests

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
6 min readDec 10, 2018

Say what you want about republican politicians, but you gotta admit, they are very crafty. Like that snake oil salesman from decades ago, that comes to town in a really nice suit, and talks really fast, and hands out fake roses to all the women. All he wants is for you to buy the “medicine”, that he bottled from the nearby sewer. The clients he selects are uneducated. They are so impressed with his flashy car and his slick suit, they buy cartons of his snake oil.

Talk to any republican voter, preferably one not waving a burning cross or chugging a bottle of bathtub gin, and ask them why they are republican. After all, a vote for a republican is bad for the average (uneducated) republican voter. Republican legislation aims to strip benefits, like healthcare, educated, social security, maternity care, mental health benefits, ambulatory services and SO much more. These benefits are intended for the uneducated and poor average republican voter.

The republicans that write these laws, and the wealthy donors that support them, are well off. They would never rely on government service. Such benefits are not intended for them. Such benefits are intended for the other 99% of America. Unfortunately, that 1% controls our laws. The 99% just votes them in.

But why did republicans vote them in? Why do republicans constantly vote against their best interests?

In one word, fear.

Donald Trump is a great example. On the campaign, he never offered any good visions where he wanted to take the country. Instead, Trump made his supporters frightful. Trump convinced those who supported him, that only Trump could protect them.

Only Trump could protect America from that Hispanic that stole their job.

Only Trump could protect America from that Muslim terrorist.

Only Trump could protect America from “crooked Hillary”.

Only Trump could protect America from globalization.

Only Trump could protect America from the political system that forced a black president upon them.

Trump got a whopping 81% of the votes of white evangelicals and born-agains, PsychologyToday. Despite Trump’s flagrantly checkered past, he appealed to the vast majority of faithful Christians. The same people that go to church regularly, voted for a man while he was the lead defendant in one class action alleging he stole tuition money from little children and another in which he sexually molested countless women! WHY!?

Trump’s number one platform has been immigration. By electing Trump, he was supposed to build this massive wall to prevent Hispanics from creeping in. Do you think Trump would be in the White House if he didn’t make such shallow promises?

One of those promises may not be so shallow.

Today is the last day for the public to oppose the proposed rule relating to public charge.

Public charge refers to an individual likely to become dependent on the government for subsistence — demonstrated by either the receipt of public cash assistance for income maintenance or institutionalization for long-term care at government expense, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Fresnobee

This is how republicans trick their voters into voting republican, although the vote may not be in their best interest. Ask most republicans why they are voting red, and one reason, if not their most important, will be those immigrants that sneak across the border and force me and you to pay for their education and welfare.

Trump learned this by studying Hitler. All you need to do is make a foreigner an enemy, and suddenly you are president.

The new law affects immigrants trying to enter the country as well as those already in the country, trying to get a green card. Essentially, this will drastically reduce the number of illegal aliens in our country.

But in the end, the people hurt most by such legislation will be the big conservative companies that hire illegals cause of the low salaries (like our president only hires foreign visas at his resorts).

Sixty-three percent of current American jobs — and 46 percent of jobs expected to be created between 2016 and 2026 — require no more than a high school degree, according to the Labor Department. The new positions include low-paying jobs that most native-born Americans are loath to pursue — an estimated 778,000 personal-care aides (median pay in 2016: $21,920), 580,000 food-service workers ($19,400), 431,000 home-health aides ($22,600).

Many of those jobs, Clemens says, “will either be done by immigrants, or they will not be done at all.”

Already, foreign-born workers — about 17 percent of the overall workforce — account for 52 percent of America’s maids, 47 percent of roofers and 40 percent of construction laborers and laundry and dry-cleaning workers.

Low-skilled immigrants harvest sweet potatoes and cucumbers in fields in North Carolina. They serve dementia patients in nursing homes. They vacuum offices. They are waiters, cooks and maids at President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

The Trump administration and many Republicans in Congress want to reduce the number of foreigners who can enter the United States and establish a merit system for those who do. They argue that restrictions on both legal and illegal immigration would protect Americans from potential criminals and from low-skilled immigrants who they say drive down wages for everyone. WTOP

In addition, 60 of the nation’s top CEOs, like Apple’s Tim Cook, Salesforce’s Marc Benioff, and PepsiCo’s Indra Nooyi, wrote a letter to Trump alleging that his immigration policies “undermine economic growth and American competitiveness.”

Think about it. America’s education system is a joke compared to that of China or India or any other industrialized nation. Compared to them, our teachers are paid next to nothing. Of course, our education system isn’t good. But now, every company must hire Americans.

On top of this, Trump’s insane tariffs have made lots of companies question if they should stay in America or not. Harley Davidson is one US company that decided to move abroad to avoid the restrictions Trump is putting on businesses.

No American will take the orange picking or assembly line position manned by the illegal alien, until the salary is raised. As a result, prices will soar for everyday products.

Despite all of this hatred for immigrants republicans have, lest we not forget, while Trump was snatching little Hispanic children out of their mother’s arms, he was quick to grant instant citizenship to Melania’s parents. They lived in Solvenia their whole lives, but as soon as Trump was elected they became US citizens. I guess republicans aren’t as worried about paying for Melania’s father’s healthcare, as much as they are about paying for a Hispanic’s healthcare.

