Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2018


The New York Times just released a report that Trump’s parents left a billion dollars to their kids. Under New York law at the time, that would have cost the Trump family $550 million in taxes. As a result, Donald Trump articulated this massive scam to make it appear as if his father left them much less. In the end, the filthy rich Trumps only paid less than a tenth in taxes than what they should have, Fortune. This disgusting theft should illustrate why Trump insists on keeping his taxes secret.

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Theft is a very appropriate word for it. Instead of contributing to the education system his children uses, or New York’s superb public transportation system, or their firemen or policemen, all of which Trump has used more than the average New Yorker, he hides his money, so that he gives back as little as possible.

Trump supporters just toss their arms in the air and laugh. When Trump hides that money under his pillow, the same money that would have paid for a nicer kindergarten classroom for his supporter’s kids, his supporters admire his brash tenacity. When Hillary accused him of keeping his money and refusing to pay proper taxes during a debate, Trump had the gall to reply, “That makes me smart.”


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Imagine if it came out that Hillary had committed similar theft against our country and refused to pay taxes. Imagine the outcry and the rage. But when Trump does it, his supporters just laugh.

As a result of the New York Times story, we can only imagine why Trump is keeping his taxes so secret. By being the first presidential nominee in history to refuse to show his taxes, Trump risked his political future. If we didn’t live in Bizarro World, most people would not have voted for someone who was keeping their taxes secret. Instead, Trump’s uneducated minions voted in record numbers. Trump may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but when it comes to financial tricks he can use to save himself money, the guy is brilliant.

Paying as little money in taxes, is all republicans care about. The Tea Party’s sole purpose is to fight the government’s taxation. They liken themselves to colonials fighting the oppressive British tax system. Isn’t it ironic that the Tea Party was started with the the help of big oil, big tobacco, and the Koch brothers?

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Regardless of how much Trump has stolen from our nation’s school system and public hospitals, his supporters will ignore these crimes. Trump plays his supporters like a fiddle.

