The Only Voter Fraud is Committed by Republicans, so Why Does Trump Keep Talking about it?

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
5 min readOct 23, 2018

During the 2016 election, I was volunteering at a local voting center. If I had a nickel for every dope that came up to me and questioned the validity of the voting process, I’d have enough for a cup of coffee.

Of course, election volunteers have to remain neutral. If I express a conservative bias, I could get in big trouble. However, there is no problem with reiterating facts.

I would tell each sad and pathetic person, who had been terribly brainwashed by Donald Trump, that every vote cast would be checked by the Broward Supervisor of Elections. I would tell them that the job of a panel of people, half Democrats and half Republicans, is to validate the authenticity of the election.

But regardless, these people would stand there, with their fat thumbs wedged in their ears, and sort of stare into the distance while I spoke. Although coming from someone in the elections, my words meant nothing compared to their orange false idol.

At the time, Trump expected to lose. By pushing his narrative that the Democrats were committing voter fraud, he was setting himself up for a victory either way. Had he lost, Trump would have kept preaching from Fox News about how the election was stolen from him.

But instead, he won. Republicans also won the House and the Senate. So now, two years later, it is a real puzzle that (uneducated) people are still buying Trump’s voter fraud conspiracy. When Republicans control everything, how could they orchestrate a massive voter fraud scandal? If the minority did manage to sneak that by the majority, it says a lot more about the ineptitude of the majority!

Trump was so adamant about voter fraud, he actually assembled a panel to investigate such claims. The panel would eventually be dissolved, with no evidence of Trump’s claims. Even with no evidence, the fact that a panel existed investigating voter fraud, established fraud where there was none.

This is Trump 101. Make an outlandish and baseless claim, and it’ll be on page one of all major newspapers. A week later, a retraction of the claim will be a tiny mention on page eight.

Now, we have countless brainless Trump supporters convinced of voter fraud. After all, there was actually a government investigation into it. So when he starts screaming about it again, 35% of Americans take him seriously.

To make this even more bizarre, the only voter fraud out there is by Republicans.

Remember, our country is liberal. The old grumpy republicans die, and get replaced by young liberals. The legalization of gay marriage and pot verify my claims that while our government becomes more conservative, the people become more liberal. In addition, immigrants arrive on our shores daily. If Republicans were not bolstered by Russian fake news and other techniques to steal votes, Hillary would be in power now. Republicans stand no chance in a fair election. As a result, Republicans are the only ones committing voter fraud.

A Republican judge in North Texas is under fire for allegations that his candidacy in the 2018 primary election is illegitimate. As a result, the candidate has withdrawn from the race.

A local watchdog who spoke with voters says more than 90 voters, whose signatures appear on petition forms submitted by incumbent Judge Russ Casey, were forged. Many of the voters signed sworn affidavits. -Empowertexans

and this….

Federal prosecutors revealed details of the campaign when they charged Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova, a 44-year-old Russian national they say managed the finances of a Russian campaign intended to “sow discord” before the 2018 midterms. The campaign she is charged with operating ran inflammatory posts from a mix of viewpoints, most of them reflecting Republican positions. — HuffingtonPost

and this….

She tried re-registering, but with about one month left before a November election that will decide a governor’s race and some competitive U.S. House races, Appling-Nunez’s application is one of over 53,000 sitting on hold with Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp’s office. And unlike Appling-Nunez, many people on that list — which is predominantly black, according to an analysis by The Associated Press — may not even know their voter registration has been held up. — USAToday

and this…

A judge in New Hampshire on Monday blocked a state law that would have required additional documentation from voters who move to the state within 30 days of an election.

In a preliminary injunction issued, Hillsborough Superior Court Judge Kenneth Brown said the law known as SB 3 would create longer lines at polling stations and unfairly target certain groups, including young Democrats and the homeless. He also said the law doesn’t address its stated goal of going after voter fraud, which he described as “not widespread or even remotely commonplace” in the state. — USNews

…and so much more.

Republicans don’t just rely on voting fraud. One of the most important things republicans work on is gerrymandering, in which they draw up districts to overwhelmingly favor Republicans.

For example, in the Austin Texas area, democratic voters are divided among five mostly Republican districts. A good politician in that area, with promising ideas, will never win.

Georgia has a Republican legislature and governor, however, the election is very tight. As a result, Georgia passed a law demanding information on registration forms must exactly match what is on file. Literally, if a letter is not capitalized or a hyphen is missing, that is enough to get the vote thrown out.

North Dakota throws out registration forms with no addresses. That sounds fair enough. However, that means the thousands of Native Americans who would have voted Democrat, can’t vote because the Postal Service won’t deliver to their remote homes and reservations. USAToday

Simply put, without voter fraud, Republicans have absolutely no chance of winning. The good news is that someday, the people’s voice will be heard, and our votes will count. When that day comes, the Republican party will be dead.

