There are innumerable examples of President Trump emboldening white nationalists and the far right.

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4 min readOct 25, 2018

There are innumerable examples of President Trump showing his ethnic prejudices, his words and actions have emboldened white nationalists, alt-right and the far right. Below is a listed few examples of his racist rhetoric.

With the midterm elections just two weeks away, the US president and some within his party have escalated the attacks stating far-right statement: ‘I’m a nationalist.’[1]

Members of the National Socialist Movement, one of the largest neo-Nazi groups in the US, hold a swastika burning after a rally on April 21, 2018

From his tweet of a fake anti-muslim video[2] to his actions in gutting programs meant to stop right-wing terrorism, he will inescapably create more racial tension that will lead to racially motivated violence. When you had White Nationalist and supremacy sympathizers in this administration such as Gorka[3] and Bannon,[4] while continuing to have the likes of Stephen Miller[5] in the White House it only further emboldens the White Supremacists and racists.

From the left Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Sebastian Gorka. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Furthermore, please watch the President’s unhinged press conference after the Charlottesville tragedy, he went so far as to defend Neo-Nazis at the Charlottesville Neo-Nazi rally. You can watch the entire press conference on PBS.[6]

Ryan M. Kelly / The Daily Progress via AP

In his Arizona rally discourse, President Trump went on a tirade against the fake media, read out his previous words from the press conference while leaving out the most important and controversial bit — fine people on many sides, on many sides — equivocating Neo-Nazis with counter-protesters and referring to them as fine people.[7]

Jason Kessler “Unite the Right” organizer

Above Jason Kessler was defending Neo-Nazis. This was a Neo-Nazi rally. There were no “fine” people on both sides. They were making Nazi salutes, flying Nazi flags, wearing Nazi clothes, making Nazi chants. Here is a documentary by VICE News of the Neo-Nazi rally that took place, the one President Trump vehemently defended by stating that there were fine people on this side too.[8]

He also falsely accused Hillary Clinton of having first raised questions about Mr. Obama’s birthplace during the 2008 Democratic primary. Published OnSept. 16, 2016 Credit CreditImage by Damon Winter/The New York Times

So what raised our suspicions as to why we believe President Trump holds racial prejudices against people of color? His public insistence that President Obama wasn’t born in America is a racist conspiracy.[9]

Antron McCray, Raymond Santana Jr, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam and Kharey Wise outside a theater before the New York premiere of the Central Park Five, in 2012. Photograph: Michael Nagle/New York Times.

Moreover, President Trump wanted 5 innocent African American boys to be executed for a heinous crime they did not commit. A settlement was reached recently between the 5 men and the city of New York, yet Trump was still attacking the 5 men featured above.[10]

We cannot forget his constant attacks against people of color on Twitter, from his comments about the slain soldier[11] to his perpetual attacks against black athletes.[12]

Donald Trump 11:37 PM — 3 Aug 2018
  1. Aljazeera — In Texas, Trump speech takes far-right turn: ‘I’m a nationalist.’
  2. New York Times — Trump Shares Inflammatory Anti-Muslim Videos, and Britain’s Leader Condemns Them
  3. Times of Israel — Top Trump aide wears medal of Hungarian Nazi collaborators
  4. The Guardian — Q&A: What are Trump and the White House’s links to the far right?
  5. Politifact — Are there white nationalists in the White House?
  6. PBS — WATCH: President Trump signs executive order on infrastructure, August 12, 2017
  7. NPR — Trump Defends Charlottesville Comments At Phoenix Rally, August 22, 2017
  8. VICE News Tonight — Charlottesville: Race and Terror
  9. New York Times — Donald Trump Clung to ‘Birther’ Lie for Years, and Still Isn’t Apologetic
  10. The New Yorker — Donald Trump and the Central Park Five
  11. New York Times — Soldier’s Widow Says Trump Struggled to Remember Sgt. La David Johnson’s Name
  12. New York Times — Trump, in Twitter Rant, Revisits Grievances Against Sports Figures

