Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2018


Trump promised to stop political corruption. Dozens of morons wandered the streets, convinced that since Trump was so wealthy already, he wouldn’t need to be corrupt. “Hi, I’m earth. Have we met?” Turns out the opposite is correct. Trump has proven that the more wealthy someone is, the more inclined they are to be corrupt. Every single person in his administration is working to fatten their wallets, not help me or you. Trump’s biggest platform since his campaign has been immigration. He has tried to kick out Hispanics and Muslims from our country. He has gone to the lengths of tearing little crying Hispanic babies from their mother’s breasts and locking them in cages. It is horrific. Despite first ladies dad, Viktor, being a registered Communist with a police record, he is now a citizen!

Image result for melania's parents immigration

During the campaign, Trump shaped immigration very effectively. He convinced his (uneducated) supporters to hate immigrants. After all, immigrants were flooding into the country and taking their jobs. You would think it would be more logical to pressure the business owners. Don’t blame the immigrants for stealing someone’s job, blame the business owner for hiring the immigrant so they could pay a smaller wage.

Kind of like Donald Trump, who only staffs his resorts with foreigners. He claims Americans wouldn’t want those jobs. Trump benefits by only hiring foreigners, because he pays less in wages.

According to The Donald, Everyone Besides him, Should Hire Americans

Image result for children locked in cages

Obviously, Trump would not want to penalize the business owner, because he would be penalizing himself. Instead, Trump makes the Hispanic immigrant the victim. The weary family that makes a perilous journey to reach America and live the American dream, are kicked back across the border.

However, when it comes to Trump’s family, exceptions could be made. Recently, his wife’s Solvenia parents, Amaljia and Viktor Knavs, gained US citizenship. Now, if her pop, Viktor, falls down the stairs, me and you get to pay for his treatment in the hospital. If her mom hears something outside her window and calls the cops, me and you get to pay for that.

Not only was her father a registered communist, but he also has a police record. Considering how long ago the files were charged, plus considering the repressive police state Solvenia was, at the time, the charges are questionable. However, I doubt any Hispanic with a police record who was also once a registered communist, would gain citizenship.

