When Democrats Declare National Emergency and Ban Guns, Blame Trump

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
4 min readFeb 15, 2019

A lot of my articles attempt to paint the disaster called the Trump presidency in a good light. That really isn’t such a difficult task, considering how Trump single handedly destroyed the republican party. He won the presidency by appealing to those shit kickers who had never voted in an election before. They hated republican and democrats alike. Trump appeared like a messiah to them, talking about kicking out Hispanics from our country and jailing Muslims.

You have to realize that Trump only serves this minority-hating third of our country. That is great for him, but terrible for republicans. Who will the next republican nominee be? You think another Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney will appeal to Trump’s base? Republicans are screwed.

Trump’s decision to call the lack of a border wall a national emergency, is great. It all but assures someday democrats will declare a national emergency and ban guns. But there is a difference between a border wall and gun violence.

According to a Quinnipiac poll, the amount of Americans in support of stricter gun laws is at the highest it has ever been. Of the 251,000 gun deaths every year, six countries make up half of those; Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Guatemala and America. Brazil has 43,200 gun deaths and America is second with 37,200. VOX

But according to our president, all of those lives killed does not constitute a national emergency. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out banning guns would all but erase the number of gun killings.

Australia had a problem with guns. So they told their citizens, sell your guns back to us.

Over the next few years, gun-death totals were cut nearly in half. Firearm suicides dropped to 0.8 per 100,000 people in 2006 from 2.2 in 1995, while firearm homicides dropped to 0.15 per 100,000 people in 2006 from 0.37 in 1995. Independent

Japan puts citizens through a rigorous test to get a gun. With a population of 127 million people, there is never more than ten deaths attributed to guns a year.

In England, cops don’t even carry guns. There are about 50 to 60 gun deaths a year in the countries of England and Wales, which collectively have a population of 50 million.

Mr. President, by definition, guns is a national emergency. Our children are dying everyday. All you’d have to do to save these lives, is ban guns. Other countries have had similar gun death epidemics and fixed it by banning guns. That simple.

But instead, you declare a national emergency over some stupid wall? To keep Hispanics out of our country? Donald Trump should appreciate the benefit of illegal employment more than anyone.

I understand that a border wall has always been Trump’s main promise to his base. This excited his base because many of them had lost jobs to illegals. So instead of building this moronic wall, why not stiffen penalties for hiring illegals? For every illegal you hire, that is two years in prison and $500,000 fine. Maybe immigrants would think twice about coming to America if they couldn’t find work.

Trump would never enforce this law because it would eat at his resort profits, as well as the profits of many of his donors. But that would be one way to stop illegal immigration. Instead, Trump insists on this wall of his.

Gun violence is a real national emergency, whereas the wall is nothing. Try to see Trump positively. Now, democrats will be able to declare a national emergency and ban guns. Suddenly the wall doesn’t seem that bad, right? I’d say the wall is a good deal for no more guns.

