Why do the Religious Right Support Donald Trump?

Jordan Arizmendi
Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2018

In June 2009, Richard and Shelly Hewson paid the Trump Entrepreneur Initiative $21,500 to learn how to flip homes and make a phat profit. Who better to teach the ins and outs of real estate finagling than Donald Trump? Thousands of senior citizens emptied their life savings, hungry for this elusive knowledge. In addition, thousands of children, who just graduated high school, assumed attendance of Trump University would substitute a college education. These children emptied their piggy banks to pay for enrollment.

More then 5,000 people, were suckered by our president. The Hewsons got nothing for their money, except some creep took them on a tour through a dilapidated Philadelphia neighborhood. NationalReview

If we can drain any humor from this terrible and sad story, it is that cheated students of Trump University filed a class action law suit against Trump. The lawsuit was actually going on during the election. In other words, while the religious right were marching down the streets waving their Trump signs, wearing their MAGA hats, they were supporting a man being accused of these crimes. Whats worse is that they were entirely cognizant of it, but it just didn’t phase them.

How could someone claim to be faithful, an ardent believer in the gospel, yet defend a man, who has literally broken every commandment (except the kill one, as far as I know).

Regarding the Trump University case, Trump actually settled, and paid his victims $20 million. Also at the time of the elections, another class action was floating about, in which a lot women accused our president of sexual harassment. Still, the religious right plugged their ears and covered their eyes, and continued to support him.

The religious right oppose pornography. Yet, Donald Trump CHEATS on his wife with a PORN STAR, and the evangelicals continue to heap mounds of rose petals at Trump’s feet. These same family-faithful religious leaders, approve of Trump tearing apart Hispanic families, and imprisoning little toddlers in cages. Do you think God would approve of that as well?

Most puzzling, was the evangelicals condemnation of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Say what you want about Hillary, but the Clinton Foundation was considered one of the most effective charities on the planet.

The Clinton Foundation is rated 4 out of 4 stars by Charity Navigator. The Clinton Foundation receives 92.40 out of 100 for their Charity Navigator rating. — Charitynavigator

I understand, one side says the foundation was bad and the other side said it was good. Someone is correct and someone is wrong. Sites that rate charities are created to guide people into which charities they should donate to. Several charity websites rated the Clinton Foundation with high marks, CharityWatch is another. The criteria for these sites is a ratio, how much of the money donated, actually goes to the intended charity. The Clinton Foundation is one of the most effective charities in this sense.

Evangelicals actually condemned a charity that was so effective in feeding hungry children and dispensing medicine to sick people that would otherwise have not gotten it.

It could have something to do with the social and cultural changes of the Obama administration. Evangelicals were shocked at the changes that bloomed during those years. When Trump rode down that forsaken escalator and campaigned on kicking out Hispanics and Muslims, perhaps they thought Trump’s stern messages would be a path in the right direction.

Or maybe it was an evangelical hope that Trump would return us to a simpler and better time. Such a conviction is best described with the ‘Make America Great Again’ logo. Today is a different, less wholesome, time from when our parents or grandparents grew up. Maybe evangelicals were convinced that voting for Trump would bring us back to those glory days.

Democrats lose; the little children in Honduras, who won’t get their medicine from the Clinton Foundation, lose; republican lose, when their meth clinics get shut down, thanks to lack of funds — everyone loses, except that top 1%. If only those religious right could see the sorrow their votes have caused.

