Leftists Who Refuse to Vote for Biden are a Threat to Democracy

Becky Murphy
Politically Literate
4 min readMay 19, 2020

And Medium needs to stop curating their garbage propaganda

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

As of the writing of this post of mine, there are nearly four thousand claps for a piece I won’t link here called “I’m Not Voting for Evil, and Millions of Americans Won’t Either”. At first I got excited and settled in with my coffee to read this hot anti-Donald Trump post and it didn’t take long for me to realize it wasn’t an anti-Trump post at all, but an anti-Biden post. At the end they signaled they’d probably stay home.

Well isn’t that just soooooooooo adorable!!!

You might as well paint the Queer Stay-At-Home-Leftists as Log Cabin Republicans because that is defacto who they are.

Personally, I’m tired of Leftists and Still-Berners who refuse to unite with mainstream Democrats behind Biden pretending their logical fallacies and false equivalencies are somehow valid points. Their false equivalencies carry over from 2016 when they stayed home, wrote in Bernie, or voted for Jill Stein under the guise that Hillary Clinton would be just as bad as Donald Trump. Now, it’s Joe Biden is practically a Republican himself, despite the most progressive platform ever ran on a Democratic ticket. Clearly the self-proclaimed “progressives” haven’t bothered to read it, much like their refusal to read Hilary Clinton’s platform in 2016.

Based on the increasingly fascist actions of the Trump Administration, it is many peoples’ valid fears that this will be our last real election, even with voter suppression and Russian interference.

In fact, the evidence they use to support such a view is to use the exact same talking points as Republicans against Democrats. It’s quite an amazing spectacle to watch leftists who pretend “both parties are the same” use Republican arguments. Spend any amount of time arguing with both Trumpers and Leftists on the internet and you’ll find some of the same exact lines of reasoning used.

First of all, Nazis call people on the left “Communists”, even mainstream Democrats. Secondly, Nazis say “calling everyone you disagree with a Nazi” is a Nazi argument. They also claim repeating the word makes it lose it’s meaning. Care to try again, Fauxgressive?

Both Republicans and Leftists call Biden a rapist over the Tara Reade Allegations. And by the way, her story changes nearly every day. Both cite Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh to point out Democrats are hypocrites. Both Leftists and Trumpers claim Biden is in cognitive decline over his known stutter. Both Leftists and Trump himself claim that Bernie Sanders was cheated out of the primary, which is absolute nonsense. Voters chose Biden overwhelmingly in state primary contests. Sanders even lost states like Michigan and Oklahoma that he won in 2016.

The Russian interference into our elections are both ignored and even made fun of by both Trumpers and Leftists. Both fondly use the term #RussiaGate. Republicans use it to claim Democrats are just sore losers. Leftists use it to claim we lost because we ran a horrible candidate with Hillary Clinton and are about to do it again under Joe Biden because we didn’t vote for their favorite: Bernie Sanders. As discovered by studies and the Mueller Report, Russian interference sought to drive a wedge in the Democratic Party. While this is well documented, Leftists will deny this just as much as Trumpers will. To me, the evidence of both groups using the same rhetoric points to the continued Russian interference in our elections and social conversations. It is clear both groups are parroting Russian propaganda.

Another thing Leftists have a problem with is simple math. They don’t believe their actions have consequences. They don’t believe they carry any responsibility for refusing to vote for Biden. For them, it’s Biden’s fault for not being convincing enough for them. But math does not lie and by staying home and not exercising their civic duty to vote on the best candidate based on their platform, they are defacto throwing away their voice. That means, when they fail to show up to vote for Biden, they’re allowing Trump to win a second term. Trump won by less votes than people who voted 3rd party in all the states that flipped in 2016. How dare Leftists threaten to let the same thing happen in 2020. They’ve had almost four years now to be out in the streets having their Revolution, but I don’t see a single one of them fighting the Nazis showing up at the Michigan State House demanding to roam freely without masks and social distancing.

Based on the increasingly fascist actions of the Trump Administration, it is many peoples’ valid fears that this will be our last real election, even with voter suppression and Russian interference. The next “election” will be a total farce, if the United Dictatorship States of America even allows one to take place. Who knows? Trump may follow Putin’s example by having his political enemies poisoned. Putin has had journalists murdered too.

You might as well paint the Queer Stay-At-Home-Leftists as Log Cabin Republicans because that is defacto who they are.

Leftists like to pretend “both parties are the same”, but nothing could be farther from the actual truth. Medium is dead wrong for rewarding Leftists and Still-Berners who refuse to support Biden with extra money from the boosts of being curated.

Any threat to our democracy should be shot down. Of course you have the First Amendment right to say whatever you want. But you should not be rewarded for helping to oppress and murder millions of people over your orgasm of fundamentalist style purity politics driven by Russian propaganda. Medium should immediately cease to curate and reward think pieces encouraging people to stay home or vote third party and instead start boosting and curating the voices of those of us trying to save our country.



Becky Murphy
Politically Literate

Raised Republican which offers a unique perspective. Democrat since 2000. Gen-X & Queer. #StillWithHer