2020 Nobel Prize

Who’s it gonna be? Jared, Stacey or Greta?

Politically Speaking


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The nominees for the 2020 Nobel Prizes are being announced and among the candidates for the Peace prize are three familiar faces: Jared Kushner, Stacey Abrams and Greta Thunberg.

Jared Kushner, as we all know, is an ex-presidential “advisor”, the son-in-law of same ex-president and the halfwit offspring of Charles Kushner, a disbarred, ex-con billionaire. His current claim to fame is as one half of the now nomadic power duo known as Javanka.

He has been nominated for his role in the Abraham Accord. A “peace” brokering between Israel and The United Arab Emirates, two entities that have never once fired a single shot at one another. I guess brokering that deal was about as hard as Jared getting accepted to Harvard after his father gifted the university three million dollars.

Stacey Abrams’ CV lists past occupations of politician, voter activist, lawyer and author.
She is the daughter of two Methodist ministers.
Stacey received her education at Spelman College in Atlanta, The University of Texas and finally Yale Law School.
Because her parents were not the mega mansion/private jet type preachers, Stacey was forced to complete her education with the help of scholarships and credit cards.

