America, You Deserve This

A harsh critique of America’s socio-religiopolitical culture

Sarah J. Baker
Politically Speaking
7 min readJan 7, 2021


Image Credits: Piatro Derbrado, Javier Cruz Acosta & Amber Kipp. Edited by Author.

Oh, America. America. If I thought you deserved it I’d beseech a god to shed its grace on thee. But, as I awoke to the entirely anticipated images of white, outraged, and rights-obsessed males storming Congress I’ve come to the conclusion that the gods are disinclined to acquiesce to that request (means no). And rightly so. It’s been such a long time coming.

America truly is a beautiful land. Beautiful, for its spacious skies, amber waves of grain, and purple mountain majesty. I live on a sunburnt land awash with tones of grey-green that often causes my heart to ache for America’s natural beauties, or what’s left of them at least.

But my heart aches in a different way for its people, its wildly diverse people, many of whom descend from those who 400 years ago, with bibles and the wrath of God in tow, claimed it as their own.

Like American Christianity (and yes, American Christianity is a thing), American socio-religiopolitics hold a certain fascination for me; a chicken-egg fascination. Did the culture and politics arise from the religion? Or did the religion arise from the culture and its politics? Either way, there’s something about America that sets it apart from other western…



Sarah J. Baker
Politically Speaking

Navel Gazer | Feminist | Urban Agriculturalist | Queen of Snark | Sweating the little things | FB @ SarahJBakersTeacup