Americans are Among the Most Brainwashed People on Earth

Many Americans are disconnected from reality and are consumed by fake news and conspiracy theories

Richard Lowenthal
Politically Speaking


Photo by fikry anshor on Unsplash

Here’s a thought experiment: Imagine being in conversation with an “average American” and then trying to explain exactly why Americans are among the most brainwashed people on Earth.

I guarantee: It won’t go well. You might even get yourself beat up or killed. More likely, though, you’ll just be laughed out of town — or maybe cursed and verbally attacked as “unpatriotic”. Likeliest of all — you’ll be treated to hostile, disbelieving stares and will be utterly ignored.

What you probably won’t experience is any curiosity about, or openness to, your claim. Or your evidence. You’ll just get a knee-jerk, extremely negative reaction.

That’s because Americans are among the most brainwashed people on the planet.

And the fact that most Americans believe with all their hearts that they are already “free” and live in a glorious “land of the free” is prime Exhibit A.

For most of our non-white citizens, the pious platitude “land of the free” is more a sick, twisted joke than an expression of truth.



Richard Lowenthal
Politically Speaking

Former counselor and current diligent observer of our sociopolitical scene. I celebrate the spirit AND reason, and try to ‘connect the dots’ in my writing.