An Open Letter to Good Cops Across America

You may want to reconsider which Party is working in your best interest

Fay Wylde
Politically Speaking


Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

I strongly suspect that when a good police officer in America — and I am sure you all understand what I mean by “good” officer; that is, the antithesis of Chauvin, and there are so very many good officers out there — first saw a sign at a protest that read “Defund the Police,” that officer probably felt some mixture of anger and horror, not to mention feeling deep resentment for the ways in which they are underappreciated. Perhaps that officer was inspired right at that very moment, if they hadn’t already done so, to send off a donation check to the Republican Party. Maybe in the Fall, they got tickets to a Trump rally. Maybe the already suspicious gaze they long had leveled at “bleeding heart liberals” escalated into true animosity, resentment, and entrenched flat out dislike.

This would all be an understandable reaction. I think whoever first coined the rallying cry phrase “Defund the Police” should be sentenced to a mandatory minimum of one year in a good college writing program to study the art of persuasive rhetoric, and they should be required to memorize and recite passages from the book Thank You for Arguing by Jay Heinrichs, or at least peruse his book How to Argue With a Cat if they have a bit of attention deficit…



Fay Wylde
Politically Speaking

Politics, women’s rights, racial equality, LGBTQ, religion, witchy stuff, and whatever else my autistic brain chases. Follow me and you won’t be bored.