Arizona’s Recount Has Identified Serious Discrepancies

On a lighter note, Matt Gaetz has arrived to ensure the recounts keep on truckin’

B Kean
Politically Speaking


The latest from the saga unfolding in Maricopa County has it that things are looking not too good for the good guys — purposely misleading, right? “Good” depends on whether you have Trump fever or not. In this case, the good guys are us, the patriots.

A contributor to The Washington Post and an elections expert, Jennifer Morrell, had the privilege recently to be invited by the Arizona secretary of state to observe the unquestionably biased recounting of those votes that “could no way, no how have been cast for Biden, we’re all Trump people out here, get it?” For those of you who may have forgotten, the amount of votes that Republicans are convinced to be tainted is 2.1 million.

Ms. Morrell had this to say about the audit:

The idea of a government handing over control of ballots to an outside group, as the state Senate did when hiring a Florida contractor with no elections experience, was bizarre. This firm, Cyber Ninjas, insisted that it would recount and examine all 2.1 million ballots cast in the county in the 2020 general election. So I figured it would be unconventional. But it was so much worse than that. In more than a decade working on…



B Kean
Politically Speaking

The past holds the answers to today’s problems. “Be curious, not judgmental,” at least until you have all the facts. Think and stop watching cable news.