Back Biden’s Bid to Build Back Better

Try saying that one 10 times fast

Christina M. Ward
Politically Speaking
4 min readAug 19, 2020


author’s photo

A hearty and hopeful congratulations to Joe Biden for securing the 2020 Democratic nomination for the office of the presidency — now, let’s do this.

Is he perfect? Absolutely not.
Is he the best shot we’ve got? Absolutely.

I could not help but get a little teary-eyed watching the nomination votes come in from states and territories across America. It was a touching reminder of the diversity, the hope, and the unity that still does exist — however tested it may be— in this country. Seeing the diverse landscapes, the masked faces telling the stories of their states, and the supportive cheers as votes were cast for Senator Bernie Sanders and for VP Joe Biden, reminded me of what it is we are all fighting for.

The fabric of our flag is unraveling.
The soul of our country is at stake.
The people of our country are suffering through terrible adversity, financial uncertainties, and division like this country has not seen in decades.

We are better than this. We are a courageous and resilient people and we are under attack by the very leadership of our country. At least it feels that way to me, an intelligent and…



Christina M. Ward
Politically Speaking

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