Bernie Sanders Predicted What Trump Would Become

And was crowned as an immortal meme

Matt Dwyer
Politically Speaking


Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Donald Trump has no principles. This has been abundantly clear since the beginning of his political life, and well beforehand. But his recklessness and lack of a coherent platform, never mind his disregard for democracy, contaminated the GOP.

In addition to Trump’s many personal flaws (far too many to list here), his politics lack an organizing principle aside from hate and bias. Trump ran as a Republican: a party platform characterized by bias. During his time in office, Trump pleased some of his fellow Republicans by cutting taxes and pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal. He cozied up to Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell. Clearly, Trump’s lack of principle is contagious.

On December 22, 2020, Trump threatened to veto the second coronavirus stimulus bill, which had been under bipartisan negotiation for six months. Consumed by a baseless inquiry into the integrity of the 2020 election, Trump was too distracted to voice his opinion on the bill before it passed in both houses of Congress and reached his desk.

In terms of Republican policy, instead of looking to Trump, one should look to Mitch McConnell. Whether you like him or not, he’s a career politician. He knows his stuff. In theory, then, once McConnell (the brains of the…



Matt Dwyer
Politically Speaking

I write about pop culture, politics, travel, mental health, and more