Biden Stumbles and Ageism Raises its Ugly Head, Again

Troubling tweets penned by Donald Trump, Jr. Is it time to recognize ageism as a hate crime?

John Dean
Politically Speaking


Screenshot of YouTube video by J. Dean

President Biden’s first two months in office have been a resounding success. Or have they? The nation remains divided on the merits of the American Rescue Plan, border policy, and voting rights legislation pending in the House of Representatives. If you want to criticize Biden, there’s plenty of material available. So why not ignore all legitimate policy debates and seize on Biden’s age?

That’s a low blow, but is what else is to be expected from the ex-president’s namesake son, Donald Trump, Jr.? In a series of tweets focusing on the president’s recent stumbles while boarding Air Force One, Trump, Jr. sought to treat President Biden with the same respect and dignity that he shows the animals on his big-game hunts. None.

Fox News covering the news

As has been reported in great detail on Fox News and similar outlets, the president slipped while…



John Dean
Politically Speaking

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.