Biden’s Cabinet Picks Suggest A Return To Status Quo That Got Us Here

All signs point to getting back on the same path that led us to Trump.

Kevin Breidenbach
Politically Speaking


While nobody should have believed that Trump would be anything but corrupt himself, there was a reason that his “drain the swamp” message, and his talk of ending the wars, landed with so many in 2016. Now, Biden appears to be going right back to the old status-quo swamp that set up the situation for a fake-populist figure like Trump to thrive in.

On the foreign policy front, Tony Blinken has been confirmed as Biden’s pick for Secretary of State, and it looks as though Michèle Flournoy is “a lock” for Defense Secretary. These two make quite a pair for such influential posts, signaling an almost certain continuation to U.S. imperialism. As Dan Cohen wrote in The Grayzone, these two “have played central roles in every U.S. war dating back to the Bill Clinton administration.” Lest anyone think that they’ve changed at all, both Flournoy and Blinken have recently expressed support for continued U.S. militarism abroad, and currently hold positions in which they benefit from it. Saagar Enjeti described Flournoy’s recent past in a report on Rising:

“She’s represented defense contractors, Google, pretty much every other part of the defense ‘swamp’ that you can think of…



Kevin Breidenbach
Politically Speaking

Mountain hermit, maker of strange noises. Deeply disturbed, but not surprised. He/him.