Biden’s Secretary Of State Pick Signals No Fundamental Change In Foreign Policy

When it comes to US imperialism, a “return to normal” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be

Kevin Breidenbach
Politically Speaking


Image: C-SPAN

Antony Blinken, Biden’s nominee for the position of Secretary of State, had his confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday, which was described by PBS as “relatively non-contentious.” Although nothing is certain as of this writing, Karen DeYoung also wrote in The Washington Post that he “appear[ed] to be sailing to confirmation.” DeYoung noted that even Lindsey Graham, who had previously opposed Blinken, this time called him an “outstanding choice,” and voiced his intention to vote in favor of the confirmation. Biden and Blinken have also been said to have a “‘mind meld’ on foreign policy,” so it seems worth examining his positions either way.

Of these positions, one of the most troubling is his saying to Marco Rubio that he “very much” agrees with “a number of the steps that were taken toward Venezuela in recent years,” and that this includes “recognizing Mr. Guaidó.” This comes almost two weeks after the EU pulling their support from Guaidó, saying that they “can no longer legally recognize” the opposition leader “after he lost his position as head of parliament,” as reported by Reuters.



Kevin Breidenbach
Politically Speaking

Mountain hermit, maker of strange noises. Deeply disturbed, but not surprised. He/him.