Cancel The New York Times

Since Biden took office they’ve run stories about his bicycle and his watch. Now they’ve fired a reporter because she tweeted something favorable about him.

Russ Josephs
Politically Speaking


You remember the whole “But her emails” Hillary Clinton scandal? Of course you do. It was everywhere for most of 2016, and even before. But do you know where the story originated?

If you guessed Fox News, The New York Post or another Rupert Murdoch-owned rag you’d be wrong. It came from The New York Times. One study found that over a six-day period, they ran as many cover stories about Hillary Clinton’s emails as they did about all the policy issues combined in the days leading up to the election:

Source: David Rothschild and Duncan Watts

Aside from blatantly disliking her (cue Maureen Dowd), I just assumed it was their attempt to placate conservatives by tossing them some chum. Now it looks like they’re doing the same thing with Biden.

First they ran a story about his Peloton bicycle. The gist was that it could be a security risk, but the subtext was clear — he owns an expensive piece of equipment. Next they talked about his watch. This…

