COVID-19 Stats to Bypass CDC, Go Straight to Trump’s Spin Shop

From here on out, be wary of infection and death counts.

Steve Jones
Politically Speaking


We know Donald Trump cheats at golf. Now he’s poised to cheat on COVID-19 stats. (White House Flickr)

As of July 14, 2020, Donald Trump wants COVID-19 statistical information to go straight to the Department of Health and Human Services, bypassing the Centers for Disease Control.

That will give the Trump administration the ability to change the stats to fit its political agenda.

You know how Trump wants to downplay Coronavirus so Americans can get back to work? So kids can go back to school? You know how infectious disease expert and game-show host Chuck Woolery said it’s all about the election?

Watch out folks. Trump’s alternative facts shop can now massage those stats to make it look like the pandemic is abating, even when it’s not.

Talk about flying blind. Now we’ll never be sure where we are in this catastrophe.

We’ve been here before. Some of us, at least.

During the Vietnam War, the Pentagon released daily “body counts” in an effort to prove the United States was winning the war. The army deflated U.S. deaths while…

